VICTORIA – The Capital Regional District (CRD) is aware of Urban Development Institute (UDI) January 11, 2024 press release, subsequent report entitled Review of the CRD Plans and Priorities contained in the 2022 Regional Water Supply Master Plan and UDI’s concerns with CRD’s Master Plan.
The Master Plan was developed by Stantec Consulting Ltd. in consultation with CRD staff and leverages the professional judgement of various subject matter experts in the field of water treatment and water infrastructure planning. The CRD is confident that the projects put forward as part of the 2022 Master Plan are vital to ensure our water supply remains reliable and resilient over the long-term.
The Regional Water Supply Service provides a substantial benefit to both existing users and new developments. The purpose of a development cost charge (DCC) is to ensure the fair and equitable approach to funding the costs of infrastructure required to service new developments. The CRD is leveraging the DCC program and following the best practices to ensure that the cost of growth is shared and the existing ratepayers do not have to shoulder the full cost.
The Regional Water Supply Development Cost Charge Program approach has been reviewed by the Regional Water Supply Commission (RWSC) and staff are in the process of gathering feedback from Municipal Councils. Based on feedback received, including the feedback from UDI, staff will consider the input and identify possible alternatives within the DCC funding model. The proposed DCC program along, with alternatives, will be presented to the RWSC in March for their consideration.
While the Master Plan was approved by the Regional Water Supply Commission in July of 2022, individual projects within the Master Plan will still undergo a rigorous approval process and require CRD Board budget approval before projects are permitted to begin.
Treatment and design requirements for each project will be refined based on pilot studies and further fieldwork. After the refinement of the design, cost estimates will be updated. Prior to proposed projects from the Master Plan being approved by the CRD Board, additional community engagement will be undertaken. Feedback received from public engagement will be used to guide how the Master Plan is implemented over the next 30 years.
We look forward to continuing an ongoing dialogue with stakeholders and members of the public regarding both the design of the DCC and the feasibility study for each specific project outlined in the Master Plan. This engagement process will play a crucial role in shaping the successful implementation of the Master Plan.
Source: CRD website