CPP Expansion Without Consultation Deemed “Irresponsible”

July 11, 2016

CANADA – With a July 15th deadline looming for provincial leaders to commit Canadians to a lifetime of increased CPP, eight in 10 small business owners across the country, including 84 per cent in BC, are calling on governments to delay a final agreement in favour of consulting with Canadians and conducting a full economic impact analysis according to a new Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) survey.

Having received details on the agreement in principle, business owners oppose the proposed deal by a ratio of three to one across Canada. In Ontario, where the provincial government’s alternative was even worse than a CPP hike, opposition to the proposed deal was two to one.

“The government skipped the consultation phase so CFIB took it upon itself to consult with small business owners who will be deeply affected,” said Dan Kelly, CFIB president. “The agreement in principle was made behind closed doors, and far away from Canada’s economic reality. We’re calling on governments to bring the deal to Canadians and to give them time to decide if this is the best deal for them. If it’s as good a deal as some governments are claiming, then they should have nothing to be afraid of by discussing its economic impact with the public.”

Small business owners call for evidence before a decision is made

Eighty-three per cent of small business owners, including85 per cent in BC, said that it is irresponsible for governments to proceed with CPP expansion without conducting public consultations and providing an economic impact analysis. Another 75 per cent (76 per cent in BC) agreed that there are better ways to help Canadians save for their retirement than to expand the CPP.

“Small business owners, like most Canadians, believe in evidence-based decision making. All they are asking for is that the evidence actually be collected before any decision is made,” added Kelly. “It is also critical that time be permitted to review important amendments being proposed by Manitoba and Quebec, which did not sign off on the deal. Small businesses support Quebec’s proposal to exempt lower income Canadians from the premium increase.”

How the proposed plan will impact small businesses (The survey was conducted between June 29 and July 4 with 3,460 respondents.):

  • Nationally, 69 per cent (71 per cent in BC) report the proposed CPP expansion plan would increase pressure to freeze or cut salaries.
  • Nationally, 50 per cent (55 per cent in BC) say they would have to reduce investments in their business.
  • Nationally and provincially, 37 per cent would be forced to cut positions.
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The Business Examiner South Vancouver Island provides business news, advice, and data for the following communities:Brentwood Bay, Central Saanich,Colwood, Esquimalt, Highlands, James Bay, Langford, North Saanich, Oak Bay, Saanich, Sidney, Sooke, Victoria,and View Royal
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