May 13, 2024

Troy Dungate, Chair of Community Futures Fraser Fort George

BRITISH COLUMBIA – To mark Economic Development Week, The federal government announced their support of $3.9 million to Community Futures British Columbia, along with its 34 member offices. Community Futures understands the needs of  businesses well and provide specialized support tailored to the businesses, organizations and communities they serve.

This announcement follows a commitment to provide immediate, temporary support to help Community Futures continue delivering services to rural communities that was made by Minister Sajjan at the Community Futures BC Annual Conference in Fort St. John in September 2023.

The funding allows Community Futures to continue supporting small businesses like Fresh Coast Market in Port Alberni. This woman-owned business creates home-made meals using fresh produce and local suppliers. With business expansion financing and development services, the company created growth and additional job opportunities.

Community Futures also helped Fern & Co. Creative Collective, Salmon Arm’s first non-binary personal care service provider who have grown their business and have plans for expansion through support from the Entrepreneurs with Disabilities (EDP) program.

“The financial support from PacifiCan is significant and will strengthen Community Futures’ capacity, giving us greater ability to continue to deliver quality and timely supports to the businesses in rural British Columbia,” said Troy Dungate, Volunteer Chair Community Futures British Columbia.

Community Futures British Columbia fosters entrepreneurship and economic development in rural B.C. through its 34 member offices and receives funding from PacifiCan to help British Columbians start, grow and expand their businesses.

PacifiCan is the federal economic development agency dedicated to British Columbians. PacifiCan works with partners who are building innovative businesses, creating quality jobs, and supporting inclusive growth throughout our province.

SOURCE: Pacific Economic Development Canada

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