Colwood Monitoring Traffic Flow To Inform Transportation Planning

July 13, 2020

COLWOOD – The City of Colwood will use Bluetooth technology as one tool to monitor traffic flow and inform transportation improvements. The traffic monitoring system will also provide the public with convenient and reliable traffic information so they can make informed decisions on the best timing, mode, and route for their trips.

The system will tag anonymous Bluetooth signals from cell phones and in-car systems to provide real-time data about vehicle travel routes, times and the average speed of vehicles between various detection points in the city.

“People will be able to access information about traffic congestion and travel times on specific routes in Colwood,” said Colwood Mayor Rob Martin. “Drivers can use the information to decide the best times to travel and which route to take, and it will expand the City’s transportation planning capabilities for everything from adjusting traffic signal timing, to planning road, sidewalk and transit improvements.”

Equipment, software, installation and operating costs will be approximately $100,000 for eight detection devices to be placed in strategic locations as shown below. The traffic flow monitors are expected to be in place by September 2020.

Traffic monitoring is just one of many transportation improvements to come as part of a new Go Colwood! program to improve how we move around Colwood, whether traveling on foot, bicycle, wheelchair, scooter, bus or car. Over time, Council will work to provide more transportation choices for residents and make it safer, more convenient, and more enjoyable to get around.

Watch for several upcoming transportation initiatives including a Sidewalk and Cycling Plan; designs for sidewalks along Metchosin Road between Sooke Road and Royal Bay; designs for Sooke Road between Metchosin and Veterans Memorial Parkway; concepts for a multi-use trail along the waterfront; intersection upgrades at Latoria Road and Veterans Memorial Parkway; road improvements on Veterans Memorial Parkway and Allandale Road; promoting ride sharing to connect people who are traveling to the same destination; BC Transit plans for bus lanes on Sooke Road with sidewalk and cycling upgrades; plus ongoing crosswalk and bus stop improvements.

More information about enhancing mobility can be found in Colwood’s Financial Plan and Strategic Plan.


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