Cannabis Regulation Committee Underway in British Columbia

October 20, 2017

BC – A joint provincial-local government committee that will consider policies related to cannabis legalization and regulation in British Columbia is set to begin meeting later this week.

Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General Mike Farnworth announced the creation of the Joint Provincial-Local Government Committee on Cannabis Regulation (JCCR) at the Union of B.C. Municipalities (UBCM) convention in September.

“It goes without saying that local government will be on the frontline and instrumental in the delivery of new policies and laws associated with the legalization of non-medical cannabis in British Columbia,” Farnworth said.

“We welcome and value the Union of B.C. Municipalities’ input as we build a framework for the province focused on protecting young people, health and safety, keeping the criminal element out of cannabis and keeping our roads safe.”

UBCM has appointed 12 representatives to the JCCR drawn from elected officials, staff specializing in planning, building inspection, bylaw enforcement or public safety, and senior staff. Provincial representatives are provided through the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General. The first meeting of the JCCR will take place on Friday, Oct. 20.

“Local governments welcome the opportunity to work with the Province as it develops a framework for cannabis legalization in B.C.,” said Wendy Booth, president, Union of B.C. Municipalities.

“There are a lot of details to be considered in a short period of time. We want to ensure that the resulting policies are practical and workable for communities in British Columbia, and leave room for local decision-making.”

The joint committee will include members of the B.C. Government Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Secretariat and the following UBCM members:

  • Wendy Booth, director, Regional District of East Kootenay;
  • Kerry Jang, councillor, City of Vancouver;
  • Maya Tait, mayor, District of Sooke;
  • Brian Frenkel, councillor, District of Vanderhoof;
  • Chris Coates, clerk, City of Victoria;
  • Kevin Cormack, chief administrative officer, City of Nelson;
  • Kathryn Holm, chief licence inspector, City of Vancouver;
  • Dave Jones, business license inspector, City of Kamloops;
  • Peter Monteith, chief administrative officer, City of Chilliwack;
  • Terry Waterhouse, director of public safety, City of Surrey;
  • Ian Wells, general manager, planning and development, City of Prince George; and
  • Gary MacIsaac, executive director, Union of B.C. Municipalities.
* indicates required
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