Better Hearing Month: 4 Simple Ways To Protect Your Hearing

June 7, 2022

Make sure you’re wearing optimal hearing protection for your job especially if you work in a noisy environment

BRITISH COLUMBIA – Hearing allows us to enjoy music, experi­ence the sounds of nature or take in the words spoken by those around us. Our hearing is also pivotal when it comes to our safety and spatial orientation. However, most people don’t adequately protect their hearing and instead adopt habits that can put it at risk. Often people are not aware of the damage they are causing. Check out Connect Hearing’s 4 simple and easy ways you can protect your hearing at work and out and about this May Better Hearing Month!

  1. Use hearing protection at noisy workplaces such as construction sites and when run­ning power equipment. Even seconds of noise exposure to loud power equipment can cause damage to your hearing. Make sure you’re wearing optimal hearing pro­tection for your job especially if you work in a noisy environment.
  2. Avoid spending long periods of time in noisy places indoors especially in places like noisy warehouses or even pubs and bars playing live music. Exposure to consistent noise indoors over periods of time can be damaging to your hearing health.
  3. Avoid listening to loud music for long per­iods of time. When it comes to speakers, a volume of less than 80 decibels would be ideal; If you are listening to music at 80-85 decibels or more, you shouldn’t do so for longer than 8 hours.
  4. Visit your Hearing Care Professional regular­ly. At first, patients usually don’t notice that they are losing their hearing since the process is a slow and quiet one. Because of this, many people wait too long before they start doing something about their hearing loss.

In many cases, hearing loss – detected ear­ly on – can be treated well and the patient’s quality of life and general health can be sig­nificantly improved. This is why it’s important you consult a Hearing Care Professional once every year.

Besides checking for hearing issues, your Hearing Care Professional can examine your ears’ general health and diagnose possible al­lergies or infections as well as other types of structural injuries.

Take charge of your hearing health and book a hearing test today at!




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