BC Tourism Sees 9% Year-over-Year Visitor Increase

March 23, 2017

BC – In the first month of 2017, international visitor arrival numbers continue to show positive signs of growth for the booming tourism sector in British Columbia.

The latest numbers from Statistics Canada from January 2017 indicate a 9.2% increase over the same month in 2016, resulting in 23,427 more visitors arriving in B.C.

Other notable increases for January (over January 2016) include:

  • China +55.8%
  • Australia +36.7%
  • Mexico +37.4%
  • United Kingdom +21.5%
  • South Korea +19.1%
  • India +17%

Direct flights can have a significant impact on international visitor arrivals. Both China and Australia saw increases in air capacity to British Columbia of 35.4% and 87.8% respectively. These new flights are due in part to the Province eliminating the international jet fuel tax which has reduced costs for airlines.

Each new daily international flight to BC creates between 150 and 200 new jobs at Vancouver International Airport (YVR). An additional 300 to 400 jobs are created indirectly in the province at businesses such as hotels, restaurants, travel agents and tour operators.

In addition, the Province’s lead marketing organization, Destination BC (DBC), has been instrumental in promoting strong tourism sector growth. DBC was established by the Province in April 2013 to lead the marketing of British Columbia as a tourist destination, and to promote the development and growth of the tourism industry throughout BC.

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