BC Sets Agrifood Revenue Record in 2015

August 29, 2016

BC – Sales of B.C. agrifood products topped $13 billion for the first time in 2015, growing by more than $700 million for the second consecutive year, and contributing to a $2.5 billion (24%) rise in revenues since 2010.

The B.C. government has been partnering with growers and trading partners to increase markets for B.C. farmers and food producers, and the benefits of working together are showing results. The growth in sales has occurred across B.C.’s diverse agrifood and seafood sectors with:

  • The primary agriculture sector (farmers, ranchers and producers) up 4.5% to $3.1 billion;
  • The seafood sector up 4.7% to $867 million; and
  • The food and beverage manufacturing sector up 9.1% to $9.1 billion.

B.C. market shares are expanding in part through programs supported by the B.C. government. The $8-million Buy Local program increases the sales of B.C. products within the province, while a network of 13 international trade offices, B.C. trade missions, and innovation and market development funding have all played roles in growing B.C.’s sales across the country and around the world.

Increasing production, driving competitiveness, and building markets are three key priorities of the B.C. Agrifood and Seafood Strategic Growth Plan that has an overall goal of growing the B.C. agrifoods sector to a $15-billion-a-year industry by 2020.

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