BC Officially Surpasses New Milestone Of More Than 50,000 EVs On The Road

April 9, 2021

The New Car Dealers Association Of BC Commends The Province On Rebate Programs And Partnerships That Have Helped Make This Possible

BRITISH COLUMBIA – This week, the Provincial Government put out a news release indicating that a record number of British Columbians have switched to electric vehicles (EVs) with more than 54,000 light-duty EVs now on the road. This is the highest reported uptake of rates of EVs in North America and solidifies BC as a continued leader in the EV space.

“I am immensely proud of the work that BCs New Car Dealers have been doing with government for over a decade in this province to encourage and support the adoption of EVs,” stated Blair Qualey, President and CEO of the New Car Dealers Association of BC. “Without our collective efforts, I am sure that the adoption of EVs would not be where they are – and climbing. I commend the Province on the continued support of vehicle and charging station rebate programs so that we ensure that EVs are more accessible and affordable for BC consumers and can continue this upward trend.”

In 2019, BC passed legislation that requires all new vehicles sold to be emission free by 2040. BC is well on its way to exceeding the 2025 targets with light-duty EV sales representing 9.4 per cent of all new light-duty vehicle sales in BC in 2020. Given that all vehicle sales dropped due to the COVID-19 pandemic, along with a dramatic increase in EV models being available, this number is expected to climb in the coming years.

With a growing number of EVs on the roads, the steps the Province is taking through ongoing programs like CleanBC Go Electric and SCRAP-IT® must be acknowledged. The programs provide attractive incentives for vehicles along with charging stations, to make the switch to greener vehicles more affordable for British Columbians.

For more information on CleanBC and rebates available, please visit: https://cleanbc.gov.bc.ca/


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