BC Lumber Trade Council Decries Added U.S. Duty Charges

July 28, 2023

BRITISH COLUMBIA – The United States Department of Commerce announced a 7.99 per cent countervailing and anti-dumping duty charge to 2021 shipments of BC softwood lumber to the U.S. July 27, causing the BC Lumber Trade Council to push for dispute resolution for the ongoing litigation.

“These duties are unwarranted and unfair because BC and Canadian producers are not subsidized,” says Linda Coady, President of the BC Lumber Trade Council (BCLTC). “The interests of Canadian and US producers alike would be much better served by both sides in this long running dispute working together to resolve it and grow markets domestically and internationally. This would also allow both countries to focus on more critical issues like climate change, cross-border wildfire protection, and housing affordability.”

BC lumber producers are particularly frustrated that Canada is more than six years into the current dispute and yet appeal processes under dispute resolution mechanisms provided for by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and the Canada-US-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA), have not yet been held.

“Our strong hope is that the US industry will end this decades-long litigation and, instead, work with their Canadian counterparts to meet demand for the low-carbon wood products the world wants, including American home builders and owners. Until then, BC producers are forced to continue vigorously defending our industry against these meritless allegations,” Coady continues. “Extended and unreasonable US delays on standing up panels for these appeals are directly impacting companies, workers and forestry communities in BC.

“These appeals can be a critically important element in dispute resolution that can also help provide the foundation for potential benefits for companies, workers, and consumers on both sides of the border. For this reason, BC lumber producers have asked the Government of Canada to make addressing US delays in the dispute resolution process a top priority.”

BC is the largest Canadian exporter of softwood lumber to the U.S., and the BC forest industry supports approximately 100,000 jobs in the province.

Business Examiner Staff

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