BC Legislation Requires Fuel Companies To Share Data

November 19, 2019

Oil and gas companies in British Columbia will be forced to reveal to consumers how gas prices are set, as a result of new legislation that was introduced on Monday, Nov. 18, 2019.

The fuel price transparency act will allow the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) to collect information from oil and gas companies on the market conditions involved in setting gasoline prices. This information will be made available to the public, as well as consumer and watchdog groups.

The act was developed in response to the BCUC investigation that found a lack of competition and substantial markups in the province’s gasoline market, including a 10- to 13-cent-per-litre premium being charged to drivers that industry was unable to explain during the BCUC inquiry. This unexplained premium results in British Columbians paying an extra $490 million every year.

This act will require companies to share data on refined fuel imports and exports, fuel volumes at refineries and terminals, as well as wholesale and retail prices. It also has safeguards in place to ensure that the information provided by the companies is complete, accurate and reported regularly.



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