Auxilium Mortgage Takes The Edge Off The Home Mortgage Experience

June 25, 2021

A Talented Team Of Hands-On Experts With A People-Centric Vision

From left to right, Jane Noel, Katherine Lim, Mahsa Manesh, Rebekah Janzen, Talia Scheepers, Nicole Barrett, the women of Auxilium Mortgage

VICTORIAKam Brar and wife Michelle started Auxilium Mortgage in 2011 with a mission to remove the intimidation factor from the home mortgage buying equation. They desired to save their clients time, offer choices that fit their needs, reduce risk, and handle the heavy lifting so their customers didn’t have to.

With a tenth anniversary coming up, Michelle, Kam and a dedicated team of professionals have clearly taken that mission and run with it. Auxilium is ranked highly for business growth and transaction volume within the Mortgage Architects network, and has funded over $620 million in mortgages, with more than 1,650 transactions completed. They’re doing something right.

“Auxilium means care, aid, assist and support. That’s what we’re committed to providing,” states Michelle. “We’re consistently told we make the mortgage process easy and understandable, and work together as a team so our clients always feel that way.”

Rather than competing brokers operating under the same umbrella, Auxilium’s mortgage specialists work together, bringing their combined expertise to each client’s file, assisted by dedicated support staff.

Exclaims Michelle, “Clients will have a minimum of four staff working toward the best solution for their needs.”

A vital driver in this hands-on approach is the women who make up 3/4 of Auxilium’s office. Kam and Michelle proudly support building up talented women in their industry, and see them as an indispensable part of the company’s DNA.

Elaborates Kam, “From our Client Care Liaisons Jane Noel and Talia Scheepers, our licensed Mortgage Brokers Nicole Barrett and Rebekah Janzen, Katherine Lim helping finalize client files once a live deal has been made, and Mahsa Manesh wrapping up the process as our primary point of contact with a customer’s solicitor, the women in our office are there every step of the way, guiding our valued clients.”

Michelle feels strongly about supporting and nurturing women in the trades, and sees the building up of women in and out of the workplace as vital to a healthy workforce, something they put into action at Auxilium.

“Networking with other women is key to growing and maintaining their numbers in any industry. For us, that means cultivating relationships with realtors, developers, tradespeople, and solicitor’s offices, be it through formal networking events, such as Rebekah attending a women in business luncheon, or organic community connections like Nicole taking on a leadership role with her neighbourhood Girl Guide group. When we share our skills and successes with other women, we build a stronger network for everyone and a greater connection to the places we work and live.”

On track for a record 2021, this is a team with a recipe for success, from the tenets of their business model to the highly skilled women who help put it into action, Auxilium Mortgage is leading by example.



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