Archipelago Marine Research Completes Management Buyout

July 24, 2020

VICTORIAArchipelago Marine Research, a global provider of marine resource management products and services, announced the completion of a management buyout with the senior leadership group, establishing a new generation of owners.

Building on the 40+ years of Archipelago’s success under the current management team, this transaction provides the foundation for the next phase of Archipelago’s mission of providing industry leading products and services to our partners and clients.

“We are excited to step into this next chapter at Archipelago with the support of the exiting founders and partners, our great leadership team, and all our staff around the globe,” said Gord Snell, President and CEO at Archipelago. “Continuing the legacy created by the prior owners is a priority for Archipelago. We want to ensure our clients continue to receive the same high-level of service and support they have become accustomed to in working with Archipelago.”

The agreement was completed in May with President and CEO, Gord Snell, CFO, Wes Wong and Vice President, Scott Buchanan initiating the process of acquiring the company from founders, Brian Emmett, Howard McElderry and Shawn Stebbins. This new group brings close to 40 years of experience at Archipelago to the ownership table.

“In planning the transition of the business into the future we wanted the organization to remain employee owned and independent to preserve the spirit of what we developed over the last 40 years,” said past President Shawn Stebbins. “We are very pleased to see the ownership of Archipelago stay within the organization and we have complete confidence the new ownership team will do a great job in building on our past success.”

The new ownership team will continue their operational leadership roles within the company while the exiting owners begin to scale back their involvement in daily operations. In order to assist in the ongoing transition, the founders will continue to be engaged in employee or advisory roles within the company for the foreseeable future as well as participating on the Board of Directors.

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