WEST SHORE – On July 28th, the BC Chamber of Commerce released Focusing Forward, 2022-23 Policy and Positions Manual. This “contains 55 policy statements and positions adopted by members at the provincial association’s 70th Annual General Meeting and Conference on June 7-9, 2022, in Prince George and online.”
Policy development within the BC Chamber network takes place at a grass roots level, which means that policy is developed by chambers/boards of trade to respond to a business issue which has provincial or national ramifications. This year’s policies include “Filling the Province’s Nursing Schools,” “Progressive Housing Solutions to Address Workforce Challenges” and “Implementing Changes to Property Assessments to Protect Businesses from Unsustainable Taxation.”
The BC chamber network is also asking the Province of BC to further connect with business with the policy “A Role for Business and Industry Stakeholders in the Implementation of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act Action Plan.” The intent of this policy is to continue to move forward in an appropriate way with the work chambers and business can do to respond to the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, specifically around recommendation 92.
So why does this matter? What’s the point of policy?
Policy allows us to make recommendations to government about how to make things better. And “better” rarely applies to just one industry or group. Creating more seats for nursing students will lead to better health care across the province. Implementing progressive housing solutions is a self-evident need with which we have all become familiar. And improving taxation for businesses will support BC’s economic growth post-COVID and beyond.
A lot goes on behind the scenes as policy is created, and the WestShore Chamber takes an active role in the development and refinement of policy. To learn more about what we do, you can sign up for our e-news on our “Contact Us” page or follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.
Julie Lawlor is Executive Director at the WestShore Chamber of Commerce.