Adventures with Nature Abound on Salt Spring Island

April 12, 2016

SALT SPRING ISLAND – Salt Spring Island’s location and natural diversity, once considered a challenge in the lives of early pioneers, is now a well-known and popular venue for those seeking a lifestyle choice toward ecotourism, exercise and health based activities. It’s widespread and well publicized reputation for natural diversity and outdoor recreation and adventure options has caught the attention of a worldwide audience.

Particularly with the emergent, over 55 crowd and others visiting or migrating from dense urban settings, there is a desire for more personal engagement in life and adventure within more natural and calming surroundings. Salt Spring Island has historically had much to offer urban folk in their quest for this transfer of perspective. The silence alone, in contrast to an urban experience, is frequently cited by visitors as being a foreign and much appreciated ingredient in shift toward a more natural life outlook.

Surrounded by calm ocean waters, the island’s natural activities include trekking through forest and old growth parks, mountain hiking, hang gliding, diving, bicycling, tennis, golf and much more to inspire imaginative ways to find adventurous opportunities in land based serenity. Taking to the ocean playground plays host to another multitude of options and “magic” destinations that can satisfy one’s individual form of adventure.

For small boats and kayaks, sheltered coves and campgrounds on nearby shores provide places for overnight relaxation with silence only broken by sounds of a passing bird, insect or fish. Larger craft can also engage the quiet, natural solitude of numerous local protected hideaways. Add in a sighting of a whale, porpoise, osprey or eagle and one’s day is made!

The geodemographic makeup of Salt Spring Island includes fertile green pastures, low mountains, ocean beaches, fresh water lakes, and an enthusiastic resident and business population. Together it provides the necessary infrastructure and support to create a diversified centre for numerous outdoor recreation and adventure activities.

Connecting the evident growth in market demand for healthy, active, adventurous lifestyle choices, has recently inspired the business community to new levels of confidence. Additionally, the Salt Spring Island Chamber of Commerce is poised to engage with other Gulf Islands Chambers and “transportation connected” Vancouver Island communities to explore the creation of a more regionally recognized footprint for adventure and ecotourism.

With the recent New York Times nomination of the Southern Gulf Islands in the “top 52 places to see” for 2016, the special “ecological treasure” status of the Salish Sea and the Globe and Mail’s “Evergreen” article, these options will encourage long term opportunities for furthering local economic growth and developing within, a much desired knowledge, treatment, and respect for our relationship with nature.

Seeking to rediscover yourself? Enjoy a Natural Adventure on Salt Spring Island!

– Jeremy Milsom is the Communications Director of the Salt Spring Island Chamber of Commerce.

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The Business Examiner South Vancouver Island provides business news, advice, and data for the following communities:Brentwood Bay, Central Saanich,Colwood, Esquimalt, Highlands, James Bay, Langford, North Saanich, Oak Bay, Saanich, Sidney, Sooke, Victoria,and View Royal
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