$70M in Funding Announced for Camosun and Royal Roads

January 20, 2017

VICTORIA – Camosun College and a Centre for Environmental Science and International Partnership at Royal Roads University (RRU) have received a $70-million investment for a new health-science centre.

The federal and provincial governments are investing $43.5 million in the new Health Science Centre at Camosun College’s Interurban campus. This funding includes:

  • $12.5 million from the Government of Canada, and
  • $31 million from the Province of B.C.
  • Camosun College is providing an additional $5 million for a total cost of $48.5 million.

The two levels of government are also investing $15 million in the Centre for Environmental Science and International Partnership at RRU. This funding includes:

  • $9.3 million from the Government of Canada, and
  • $5.7 million from the Province of B.C.
  • Royal Roads University and private donors are providing an additional $6.5 million, for a total cost of $21.5 million.

The new health sciences centre will be a four-storey, 8,300-square-metre centre that will house 18 health science programs, such as community mental health, athletic and exercise therapy, and nursing, as well as university-transfer health programs. Camosun health science students will access a better learning environment, where they are able to learn side-by-side in a clinic-like setting.

It will also allow programs to better share assets, such as simulation labs, and reduce energy use and operating costs. The new building will be adjacent to the Pacific Institute for Sport Excellence and will provide the potential for learning opportunities involving users of the facility and students.

The Centre for Environmental Science and International Partnership at Royal Roads University includes major renovations and upgrades to the Mews building, a century-old, heritage structure, and the construction of an adjoining two-storey addition. The total scope of the project is 4,800 square metres, including 3,100 square metres of renovated space, and 1,700 square metres of new space.

The adjoining addition will include environmental science teaching labs and applied research space, student learning commons, facilities for computer labs, wet labs, academic support and integrated student service functions. The building will incorporate significant improved energy efficiency and sustainable design.

Approximately 179 direct and 117 indirect jobs are expected to be created as a result of the investment at Camosun, while approximately 73 direct and 52 indirect jobs are expected to be created as a result of the investment in RRU.

Both projects are expected to be completed in spring 2018.

* indicates required
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