$126,000 Awarded for Adoption and Permanency Projects in BC

February 5, 2021

VICTORIA – The Adoption and Permanency Fund of BC has granted a total of $126,000 to seven unique projects in support of adoption and permanency in British Columbia. The projects will be delivered by five different organizations from across the province. See complete list at https://victoriafoundation.bc.ca/126000-awarded-for-adoption-and-permanency-projects-in-bc/.

The independent Adoption and Permanency Fund of BC was established in 2003 by the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) to help British Columbia’s children and youth awaiting adoption and/or other permanent connections. Since inception, it has granted over $1.5M for more than 225 different projects across the province.

Among those receiving this most recent funding is the Adoptive Families Association of BC.

“We are thrilled to be awarded three grants from the Adoption and Permanency Fund of BC,” said Association spokesperson Anne Tower. “Adoption and permanency families live with a lot of love but also a lot of challenges, even in the best of times. During COVID, many of the supports they rely on have been disrupted, and they are struggling. These grants will enable us to develop newer areas of service to address families’ greatest challenges- access to respite care, and to adoption-competent clinical services- as well as to support community-led initiatives to find families for BC’s waiting kids.”

“The challenges of the pandemic have made it even more important for children and youth to find loving homes and permanent connections to call their own,” said Mitzi Dean, Minister of Children and Family Development. “From supports for adoptive families, caregivers and guardians, to projects that increase cultural connections, to online volunteer training, these investments are crucial in helping children and youth develop, flourish and remain connected to their family, culture and community.”

As of December 2020, Ministry of Children and Family Development reported over 600 children and youth in BC waiting for a permanent family.

“The fund’s Advisory Committee has been awed and encouraged by the creativity demonstrated this year by the grantee organizations for which funding will be provided,” said committee Chair David Cameron. “The COVID-19 pandemic has not affected all communities equally and we work with some of those hardest hit. The grantees have shown tremendous resilience and determination in the face of these recent hardships. Their commitment toward the goal of permanency serves as a reminder to us all of what can and must be done even in the most trying of times.”


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