Vancouver Island Construction Association Collecting PPE For Healthcare Workers

March 25, 2020

VICA Is Asking Members To Donate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) To Support Front-Line Medical Personnel

NANAIMO – In support of Island Health and front-line healthcare staff, working tirelessly to keep our communities safe from COVID-19, the Vancouver Island Construction Association (VICA) has put a call out to their membership for donations of new, unopened N95 masks, sanitizer solution and wipes, or other personal protection equipment suitable for their work.

“Right now, there is a desperate need for support of our front-line medical workers. We understand that both the Federal and Provincial governments have made recent announcements that industry is going to increase supply, but we at the Vancouver Island Construction Association would like to help out wherever possible”, states Rory Kulmala, CEO of the Vancouver Island Construction Association.

As of March 19th, there have been 271 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in British Columbia with 22 confirmed cases on Vancouver Island.

“We believe this initiative, regardless of how many donations we receive, will underline the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for all members of our community to come together if we’re going to stop the spread of the coronavirus”

The Vancouver Island Construction Association has made arrangements to turn over all donations to the Vancouver Island Health Authority for them to distribute as necessary.

Donations for the VICA Nanaimo office can be arranged by calling 250-388-6471 or emailing


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