Trailbreaker Acquires Castle Rock Gold-Copper Mining Stake on North Island

February 1, 2023

CAMPBELL RIVERTrailbreaker Resources has acquired the gold-copper identified Castle Rock Property on Northern Vancouver Island after signing a partnership agreement with Cazador Resources that was announced January 20.

In September, 2022, Trailbreaker completed a first-pass prospecting program at the Castle Rock claims. The program was designed to follow up on historic values and included channel sampling, prospecting, and soil sampling. Castle Rock covers 3,108 hectares of land approximately 70 km northwest of Campbell River.

A relatively new discovery in the area shows it hosts copper-gold porphyry, volcanogenic massive sulphide and gold skarn deposits.  The three-day evaluation program last fall included a detailed soil sample survey consisting of 116 samples, as well as 32 metres of channel sampling designed to confirm the historic grades and thickness. The program successfully confirmed historic gold grades

“The Castle Rock property is Trailbreaker’s newest addition to our portfolio of high-quality precious metal and copper asset,” says Daithi Mac Gerailt CEO of Trailbreaker. “This is an overlooked and underexplored area of Vancouver Island that has recently been made more accessible. With a short geochemical sampling and reconnaissance program, the team was able to delineate a large, gold-bearing dyke system over at least 400 metres, coinciding with a district-scale fault. This system has strong potential for expansion.”

No past systematic geochemical or geophysical work has been done on the property. Trailbreaker’s team believes the Castle Rock project represents an exciting discovery that has been overlooked in the past, and, given its association with large district-scale structures and open-ended anomalies, has potential to be rapidly expanded into a significant gold prospect.

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