The Voting Begins For Your Favourite Bench In Oceanside

July 26, 2021

PARKSVILLE/QUALICUM BEACHOceanside Benchmark, Inspired by the Search is a co-generational community art project designed to encourage community connection, creativity and collaboration. The Qualicum Beach and Parksville & District Chambers of Commerce have partnered with The Old School House (TOSH) in Qualicum Beach and the McMillan Arts Centre (MAC) in Parksville to manage and coordinate the project. The30 benches built by grade11 and12 woodworking students from Ballenas Secondary were distributed to 30 different artists in the community for the addition of their unique designs, changing a garden bench into a spectacular piece of public art.

Artists of all ages submitted their vision of a Welcome Bench for the community. The results of their incredible creations are now displayed publicly in Oceanside, from Nanoose to Lighthouse Country.

‘We initially created this project with the purpose of engaging visitors and locals in the community and supporting our local artists. The benches will help to transform 30 different public spaces and we encourage people to get out and explore our amazing community and see all the artists creations! We’re so proud of the results and we hope you enjoy the tour!’ said Kim Burden, Executive Director of the Parksville & Qualicum Beach Chambers of Commerce.

Follow the project on social media and participate in a self-guided tour to view all the benches, take a selfie and post to social media and then vote to choose your favourite! The ‘People’s Choice’ artist receives a cash prize of $500.00. Benches are on display until the first week of September 2021 and then will be auctioned off with proceeds helping to support the participating artists and the coordinating not for profit organizations.

‘The Oceanside Community Arts Council with the McMillan Arts Centre are so proud to have been involved with this exciting artistic project in Oceanside. We hope that our community at large enjoys the wonderful, creative and innovative designs created by our local artists. With thanks to our Oceanside Arts Council members, Anne and Andrew Collins for contributing their creative energies to making this project such a success, and kudos to the Chambers of Commerce for their vision and commitment to the Oceanside Benchmark project,’ said Jennifer Bate, Executive Director of The MAC.

‘A fantastic community endeavour that has brought artists, tourists, and community together to take a moment to contemplate our current times,” said Illana Hester, Executive Director of TOSH.

Spot the benches by using the map and then make your choice.

Link to people’s choice voting!

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The Business Examiner Central/North Vancouver Island provides business news, advice, and data for the following communities: Duncan, North Cowichan, Cowichan Valley Regional District, Cobble Hill, Mill Bay, Ladysmith, Chemainus, Lake Cowichan, Nanaimo, Nanoose Bay, Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Comox, Courtenay, Campbell River, Black Creek, Gold River, Port Alberni, Tofino, Ucluelet, Port McNeil, and Port Hardy.

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