TD Grant Assists With Nanaimo Park Tree-Planting

October 23, 2015

NANAIMO – On Saturday, October 17, a $13,000 cheque was presented to the City of Nanaimo from the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation and Tree Canada. The money was for tree planting in Hawthorne Park as part of the TD Green Streets Program.

“I would like to thank TD Friends of the Environment Foundation and Tree Canada. The Green Streets Program is a great way to revitalize the urban forest in communities across Canada,” stated City Councilor Ian Thorpe.

The Mayor, members of City Council, City staff, representatives from TD and Tree Canada, and neighbors of Hawthorne Park, participated in a community tree plant-out to celebrate the grant.

Key Points:

  • Over 20 large deciduous trees and a Garry Oak meadow were planted in Hawthorne Park.
  • The City of Nanaimo was awarded a $13,300 grant to plant trees in Hawthorne Park from TD Friends of the Environment Foundation and Tree Canada as part of the TD Green Streets program.
  • The City of Nanaimo and park neighbors applied for the grant to further the community’s park improvements under the City Partners in Parks (PIP) program.
* indicates required

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