Summer is Coming on Strong in Nanaimo!

June 6, 2016

NANAIMO – In May, Nanaimo welcomed the first two of six cruise ships that will visit us this season – one of them the largest vessel of its kind working the west coast. Royal Caribbean Lines “Explorer of the Seas” was truly something to behold on our waterfront as it discharged many of its 3800 passengers and 1400 crew for a day.

As passengers arrived in the Cruise Ship Terminal, Tourism Nanaimo Travel Counsellors greeted them with Nanaimo Bar samplings and pointed the way to photo opportunities with the RCMP in Red Serge, the Big Bath Tub and displays of racing tubs from the Loyal Nanaimo Bathtub Society.

Passengers enjoyed regional shore excursions to the Alberni and Cowichan Valleys and the Parksville – Qualicum area. But, downtown shops and restaurants reported near-record sales and, by the look of the foot traffic lining the road to downtown, there were as many people sticking to Nanaimo as there were visiting neighbouring communities.

Complimentary shuttles also transported passengers from the cruise terminal through downtown and the Old City Quarter where they engaged local volunteers organized by the DNBIA. Contact with local culture included the museums, galleries, eateries and walking tours which receive positive passenger feedback on a consistent basis.

According to Port CEO, Bernie Dumas, “Economically, each cruise visit has an immediate impact of over $250,000 to the region. Also, passengers seriously consider our destination for a future multi-day visit.”

Tourism experts indicate the ship’s arrival could signal a kick-off to one of the best summer tourism seasons on record. Advance reservations for everything from camping to hotels to tourism attractions are at an all-time high. In conversation with members, we’ve heard that one kayak touring company had more bookings for the season by April than they had in all of 2015.

A local campground said they expected to get as close to 100 per cent occupancy as possible and that the season had become longer than usual by the turnout of hundreds of unexpected campers a month earlier than expected, with reservations coming in for a month later than usual. Statistical reporting shows us that, year to year, in 2016 the airport’s passenger count is up 27 per cent, BC Ferries passenger loads are up double digits, and hotel occupancy is staying strong.

There are lots of reasons for optimism, these are just a few of the examples we have that indicate summer might be a scorcher in more ways than one.

Kim Smythe is CEO of the Greater Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce. He can be reached at

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The Business Examiner Central/North Vancouver Island provides business news, advice, and data for the following communities: Duncan, North Cowichan, Cowichan Valley Regional District, Cobble Hill, Mill Bay, Ladysmith, Chemainus, Lake Cowichan, Nanaimo, Nanoose Bay, Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Comox, Courtenay, Campbell River, Black Creek, Gold River, Port Alberni, Tofino, Ucluelet, Port McNeil, and Port Hardy.

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