Small Town Integrity Builds Success for Alberni Auto Group

December 13, 2017

PORT ALBERNI – In a small town where everyone knows everyone and word-of-mouth spreads quickly, integrity is essential. Thus the Alberni Auto Group’s quarter-century of success is a testament to the company’s personal values as much as its business acumen.

A drive through Port Alberni produces evidence of the company’s success: multiple license plate holders displaying Alberni Chrysler or Alberni Toyota names and logos, demonstrating that the vehicles came from either of the company’s two dealerships.

headshotShawn Elder, General Manager of the Alberni Auto Group.

The same plate holders can also be spotted in other island communities. General Manager Shawn Elder reports customers making the drive to Port Alberni to purchase their vehicles, drawn by the company’s reputation for straight dealing. “When you live in a small town, you have to be honest with people and give them good products and good service.

“Otherwise, you will not survive because word will spread,” Elder said. 

Port Alberni is isolated enough to form its own market, although still close enough that residents could drive to other communities for major purchases like a vehicle.

“People could drive to Parksville or Nanaimo to buy but they usually choose not to because they’ve experienced good value and good follow-up service with us,” Elder said. Unlike city dealerships, Elder said his company works hard to keep in contact with customers and offer ongoing service. Plus, many clients are friends and neighbours.

Elder notes that building trust is especially important for vehicle sales. Unlike other retail sales, where customers tend to trust pricing and products, vehicle sales are often regarded as an adversarial process, where consumers must be wary or the product and must barter on price.

For many people, a vehicle is also their largest consumer purchase, adding to the stress.

Located at 2555 Port Alberni Highway, Alberni Auto Group is friendly and low-key. “We try to make buying a vehicle as stress-free as possible,” Elder said. There are no high pressure sales, information is provided freely, prices are transparent, financing is available, and every customer receives extensive follow-up service and support.

To ensure customers are happy with their purchase, Alberni Auto Group screens used vehicles to ensure only quality vehicles reach the lot. “I would buy any used car on our lot,” Elder said. “I know the vehicle has been checked and is safe.”

groupofguysA comprehensive service department at both dealerships provides follow-up service and ensures used vehicles are in excellent condition.

Follow-up service keeps the vehicle maintained in good mechanical condition, further ensuring customer satisfaction.

Combining value and service has helped the company thrive. The Alberni Auto Group dates back more than 25 years, starting with Alberni Chrysler, and is now owned and operated by Dennis See and Albert See Jr. Alberni Toyota joined the group in 2008. Both dealerships share the used vehicle stock, which gives clients one-stop browsing.

The Cap-It General Truckware outlet was added in 2011, offering pick-up canopies, tires, off-road, and camping supplies.

Also part of the group are the Alberni Auto Spa, which provides on-site detailing services, the Pit Stop Café which features home-made specials, and an on-site Beauty Salon – the first in-dealership hair and spa salon in Canada. The six businesses employ 50 people.

interiorA comfortable fireplace lounge, an on-site cafe, wireless and an auto-spa are among the customer amenities at the Toyota dealership.

The company also gives back generously. It is a popular location for fundraising car washes. There is an application form for donation requests on the website. The donations page lists at least 30 local organizations which have been supported by the Auto Group.

Every Christmas the company plans a special project. Past projects have included sponsorship of complete Christmas celebrations for low-income families, fundraising initiatives for local community services, and this year’s project – which is still under wraps as of this writing.

The commitment to community combined with integrity, good service, and good products is key to the company’s success in a challenging market.

Elder’s advice is to treat customers well, which starts with treating staff well. “If you treat your staff well, they will treat customers well,” Elder said. These customers will come back again and again, enabling a business to thrive even in a small town.

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The Business Examiner Central/North Vancouver Island provides business news, advice, and data for the following communities: Duncan, North Cowichan, Cowichan Valley Regional District, Cobble Hill, Mill Bay, Ladysmith, Chemainus, Lake Cowichan, Nanaimo, Nanoose Bay, Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Comox, Courtenay, Campbell River, Black Creek, Gold River, Port Alberni, Tofino, Ucluelet, Port McNeil, and Port Hardy.

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