Results of Duncan Survey 2021 Are In

January 17, 2022

DUNCAN – The City of Duncan 2021 Citizen Survey results are in! Discovery Research has presented the results of a random survey of 400 residents assessing their level of satisfaction with City services and spending priorities, as well as identifying the issues affecting quality of life in Duncan.

The overall satisfaction with the services and programs provided by the City of Duncan has been consistent. City employees have provided excellent customer service noting that a significant majority of respondents felt that City staff are friendly, knowledgeable and treat customers fairly. Respondents also indicated that Duncan is recognized a desirable place to retire, and for the overall quality of life in Duncan the average rating was 7.5/10-point scale.

Forty-four percent of respondents noted the most important issues continuing to face the City are crime, safety, and homelessness, which is consistent with the 2019 survey results. Their most environmental concerns were air quality, traffic, and water quality.

Added to the survey this year was questions regarding the City’s response to the pandemic. The vast majority of residents were satisfied with the pandemic safety protocols in City facilities and pleased with the community updates provided by the City.

“Conducting citizen surveys at regular intervals allows us to hear from a spectrum of citizens about what is going well and where there is work to be done,” said Mayor Michelle Staples. “The results in this latest survey are much the same as what Council clearly heard from residents in 2019. This comes as no surprise as the majority of the communications we receive at the City from citizens and businesses are related to the cross jurisdictional challenges of crime, safety and homelessness.”

Mayor Staples stated, “The City has taken steps to mitigate these concerns such as implementing the Enhanced Security Initiative Program and Graffiti Removal Program, expanding the City-Wide Façade Improvement Program, increasing Bylaw patrol service levels, and working with BC Housing to encourage investment to house and support people. We also know that many of these concerns must be solved with other levels of government who hold both the authority and funding to address them effectively. So, we will continue to work closely with neighbouring jurisdictions, service providers, the RCMP, and Provincial and Federal Minsters to advocate for the development of a range of safety measures, services and facilities required to meet the needs of not just our City, but for our region as well. We will not stop working to address these concerns.”

“We are all well aware of the challenges we are facing and cannot forget that there is much to celebrate in the City as well,” continued Mayor Staples. “People love the quality of life here, we have a thriving business community, wonderful parks and playgrounds, and most importantly, we have each other, which makes our City, the place we call home, continue to grow and thrive.”

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