Province Supports Port Alberni Hydroelectric Project

July 18, 2016

PORT ALBERNI – The Huu-ay-aht First Nations have the support of British Columbia’s First Nations Clean Energy Business Fund to explore a potential hydroelectric facility along the Sarita River, part of its territory on the west coast of Vancouver Island.

The Huu-ay-aht First Nations will receive $10,000 from the business fund to support completion of a ground survey, which is needed to complete detailed design engineering of the facility.

The proposed project area is within Huu-ay-aht First Nations’ private lands and has the potential to generate up to 14.8 gigawatt hours of electricity, which would power more than 1,300 homes.

In 2012, B.C.’s First Nations Clean Energy Business Fund provided $40,000 to the Huu-ay-aht First Nations to assist in other aspects of the project feasibility study. The estimated completion date of the facility is February 2018.

Capacity funding provided through the B.C. First Nations Clean Energy Business Fund is for assisting clean energy project feasibility studies, community energy planning or engaging with project proponents.

Support for First Nations to be involved in economic opportunities, creating jobs and prosperity for their communities is part of the Province’s commitment to reconciliation with First Nations.

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