Port Alberni’s Outlook 2020

October 4, 2021


PORT ALBERNI – In 2004, groups of citizens began meeting in Port Alberni to create a Vision for the City. After 20 months of exploring many themes, the 440 people who had contributed to the discussions, delivered a 127-page document to the community. The document captured the conversations and ended with a Vision that has one major and five supporting themes as follows:

The Alberni Valley is a Vibrant Waterfront Community at the Heart of the West Coast that:

  • Is sustainable & environmentally responsible;
  • Is safe, caring & healthy;
  • has a robust & diverse economy;
  • is welcoming, accessible & attractive; and
  • is actively creating its future

Each of the supporting themes has a fuller explanation of what is meant by the short phrase.

For example, the sustainability theme goes on to say: The citizenry of the Alberni Valley is committed to becoming the pinnacle of sustainable communities, protecting its air quality, natural waterways, and recreational areas. Natural resources are seen as a community asset and the responsibility of all, to be managed in a sustainable manner.

The Alberni Valley offers a wide range of transportation options. A network of paths and trails that link the community, make it possible and practical to get around without a vehicle.

There is a zero-waste recycling program.

Every Council since 2006 has maintained that Vision in their Strategic Plans. There were times when it seemed unachievable but enough of us believed it would happen and have worked to make it so, that it feels like the tipping point is being reached and we are starting to fulfill that Vision.

It’s rare when a week goes by without a new project being announced. Usually those weeks bring news of a new citizen with an amazing background moving here. Some entrepreneurs are coming here because of business or family connections but all see opportunity and recognize the optimism and excitement about our future. A combination of affordable properties, a small friendly community, a central location on Vancouver Island, ease of access to outdoor activities and increasing amenities continue to attract millennials and retirees.

Although it’s a year later than the Outlook 2020 document aimed for, and we still have work to do with respect to the Vision, it feels like a great time to acknowledge those who developed the Vision and those who held the space for it through all that has occurred in the intervening years.

Pat Deakin is the Economic Development Manager for the City of Port Alberni. He can be reached at 250-720-2527 or Patrick_deakin@portalberni.ca

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