Port Alberni Launches ‘I Get It’ Campaign

October 19, 2016

– Pat Deakin is the Economic Development Manager for the City of Port Alberni. He can be reached at 250-720-2527 or Patrick_deakin@portalberni.ca.

PORT ALBERNI – Port Alberni has launched a television advertising campaign and is getting terrific feedback on the visuals and theme. The theme acknowledges that some people don’t ‘get Port Alberni yet’ but that is all changing because more and more people do.

Thanks go out to my co-collaborator Dave McCormick at the Port Alberni Port Authority for landing on the theme after several were considered then rejected by our Rebranding Team and the Mayor’s Business Advisory Council.

The 30-second commercial features drone shots of some of our waterfront areas, followed by video of young people running, mountain-biking, kiteboarding and fly boarding here.

Two 15-second true testimonials show young women who are new residents enjoying a fun lifestyle, their work and friends and explaining why they ‘get’ Port Alberni. The city worked with CTV’s creative department to film the campaign which has begun airing on their channels and moves into a full online phase soon.  

The Alberni Valley is well-known for water sports and trails for running, hiking, climbing and mountain biking, however kiteboarding and fly boarding are relatively new and we welcome two businesses who are focused on those pursuits.

Girlonaboard Kite School opened this Spring at China Creek on the Alberni Inlet. Girlonaboard has a quick and easy approach to learning how to kiteboard that starts with dryland training and features an all-female team.

The company also astutely offers yoga and daycare services. They operate here May 1 to August 31st then move to La Ventana (Baja, Mexico) for the rest of the year. See more about them at girlonaboard.org.

Aquaflight opened their fly board operation at Klehkoot Marina on Sproat Lake this summer. Aquaflight operates here from April 1st to October 15th and there are hundreds in our community and who holiday at Sproat Lake who will testify it is also a fun and easy sport to learn.

In a smart marketing move, Aquaflight will also bring their excitement directly to waterfront homes on Sproat Lake. See more about them on facebook.com/aquaflightcanada.  

Many thanks to all those who assisted the City and CTV in the production of the commercial and testimonials including West Coast Edge ATV Adventures (westcoastedge.com), Todd MacSween Photography (toddmacsweenphotography.com), PEAK Radio (933thepeak.com), Island Health (viha.ca), Thrive Design & Apparel (thrivedesignand apparel.com), Ozzie’s Cycle (facebook.com/ozzies.cycle), Starboard Grill (starboardgrill.com), 5 Star Media Group (starboardgrill.com), Shaw Cable, Swept Away Inn and the young children and families at our own ‘Our Town’ program.

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