Nanaimo Survey Seeks Citizen Input On City Services

November 10, 2015

NANAIMO – The City of Nanaimo is hoping to collect a sampling of more than 600 responses through an announced Internet survey, which has been designed to poll the public’s views on City-delivered services. The survey will be open for submissions November 12 through November 27 and will be linked to the present City of Nanaimo main website.

“Every year the City of Nanaimo receives questions from residents concerning the annual budget and the steps taken to create it. The introduction of this year’s survey, combined with our use of the eTown Hall, provides residents two helpful opportunities to have their comments and ideas heard by getting involved in the budget process,” explained Victor Mema the City’s Director of Finance

This year marks the first time the City has included a survey as part of its outreach to residents during the annual budget review process. In addition to the survey, the City will also be hosting its third budget focused eTown Hall November 23. Residents are encouraged to submit their comments and provide feedback using either of these tools.

Key Points:

  • Residents interested in completing the survey can do so November 12 through November 23
  • The survey covers 13 business areas where City services are provided. Residents are asked to provide their opinion on the level of importance each service level has, as well as their level of satisfaction for that service.

Presently offline, the survey will be live starting on Thursday, November 12. It will be viewable at:

* indicates required

The Business Examiner Central/North Vancouver Island provides business news, advice, and data for the following communities: Duncan, North Cowichan, Cowichan Valley Regional District, Cobble Hill, Mill Bay, Ladysmith, Chemainus, Lake Cowichan, Nanaimo, Nanoose Bay, Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Comox, Courtenay, Campbell River, Black Creek, Gold River, Port Alberni, Tofino, Ucluelet, Port McNeil, and Port Hardy.

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