Nanaimo Airport Set to Expand Air Terminal Building

April 6, 2017

NANAIMO – The Nanaimo Airport will soon start expanding its Air Terminal Building, thanks to a $7.46 million infrastructure investment announced by the federal government.

Passengers will benefit from an expanded departure lounge and security area in the first phase of the project. As a result, people will be able to move through the baggage and security checks more efficiently. They’ll also have more room as they prepare to board flights.

The increase in services made possible by the funding will help the Airport deliver even more comfort and convenience for the hundreds of thousands of people who travel through its gates each year.

The federal and provincial governments and Nanaimo Airport Commission will each cover one-third of the investment. That works out to contributions of $2.48 million each. The commission’s share comes from revenue generated by airport operations.

“This funding announcement allows us to begin to fulfill three critical priorities: regional economic development; economic stimulus through infrastructure construction; and meeting escalating demand for air service through the next decade,” says Michael Hooper, president and CEO of the Nanaimo Airport.

Passenger volume has grown a record-setting 108 per cent in the last six years. “We are 10 years ahead of passenger forecasts and this investment will help us expand to ensure we continue to deliver a great service to the customers at YCD,” says Lucie Gosselin, Nanaimo Airport Commission Board Chair.

The expansion is part of the airport’s 20-year master development plan for the terminal building. Designed to be implemented in phases to ensure fiscal responsibility, the plan was developed through the long-term vision of the community representatives on the board.

Each phase of the project will be completed when passenger volumes increase and resources allow.

“The Nanaimo Airport Commission appreciates the support provided by the Government of Canada and the Provincial Government for public infrastructure projects, through the Infrastructure Canada and the Small Community Fund,” says Gosselin.

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