Key Point Reached In Nanaimo’s Colliery Dams Project

October 30, 2015


Key Point Reached In Nanaimo’s Colliery Dams Project

NANAIMO – The long drawn out and controversial construction project at Nanaimo’s Colliery Dams Park has reached a significant milestone. Golder Associates and Herold Engineering has completed the “Issued for Review” design drawings for the proposed auxiliary spillway and bridge structures. The drawings have now been sent to the Province’s Dam Safety Section for its review. Upon completion of the Dam Safety Section’s review, engineers will make any necessary revisions and the drawings will be issued for construction.

“The weather is cooperating and construction of the secant wall is proceeding better than expected. Once the issued for construction drawings are in hand, construction schedules will be developed for the remaining work. With this work comes more construction activity and a further safety reminder for park users to follow direction from workers on site and to observe all posted signage,” stated Steve Ricketts the city’s Manager of Construction.

In addition, installation of the secant pile cut-off wall is half way complete. Copcan’s subcontractor, Henry Drilling, is making faster progress than originally anticipated. Completion of the wall is now anticipated by November 6. Once the cut-off wall reaches the minimum required concrete strength, the excavation for the spillway and bridge structures will begin. The excavation will be followed by the concrete formwork, rebar placement and concrete pouring.

Key Points:

  • The “Issued for Review” drawings and correspondence with the Dam Safety Section are now posted on the City’s website.
  • Members of the public seeking previous information or future construction updates concerning the Colliery Dams are encouraged to visit the Colliery Dams Information page located on the City’s website.

Quick Facts:

  • Secant pile walls are formed by constructing intersecting reinforced concrete piles. The secant piles are reinforced with either steel rebar or with steel beams and are constructed by either drilling under mud or augering.
* indicates required

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