FUTURE15 Winners Announced!

March 9, 2016

Reading Time: 90 Seconds

CAMPBELL RIVER – A packed, ‘sold out’ event added to an undeniable energy in the room, when the Chamber announced the FUTURE15 award recipients. The recipients, all under the age of 45 are an impressive group of individuals, contributing their talents and time to make a difference in the lives of Campbell River and shaping the future of our community. The evening connected community and business leaders, many for the first time, to new opportunities to collaborate, connect and profile all the great work that is happening in Campbell River’s workplaces and throughout the community.

The 15 recipients are doctors, scientists, researchers, philanthropists, artists, social innovators, and leaders in the fields of community planning and finance.

The recipients were all acknowledged at the event for their accomplishments, passion for their causes and the level they immersed themselves in a leadership role to make a difference in Campbell River.

“This first time even exceeded all expectations and we look forward to engaging with the FUTURE15 alumni over the next year on topics, issues and opportunities that are important to them, our community and future, commented Chamber President Colleen Evens.”

The Campbell River Chamber continues to work tirelessly, advocating on behalf of our community to profile the Campbell River advantage. “We do this by building a positive climate to retain our existing businesses, while attracting and retaining the talent that our employers need to grow and prosper, states Chamber Board Chair, Corby Lamb.”

Congratulations to our FUTURE15 award recipients!!

Ahmed Siah, Research Scientist; Amanda Raleigh, Culture and Community manager; Amber Zirnhelt, Community Planning & Development Services Manager; Curtis Wilson, Referrals Officer/Elected Councillor/Artist; Derek Lamb, Chartered Professional Accountant, CA; Dr. Tanya Flood, Doctor of Optometry; Erica Chan-Lafrance, Partner, Chartered Professional Accountant; Dr. Hanif Paroo, Doctor of Optometry; Heather Brown, Research Assistant; Karen Stewart, Chartered Professional Accountant; Myriah Foort, Finance Manager; Dr. Robin James Evans, MD, FRCSC; Shannon Baikie, Regional Manager, Community & Labour Market Services and Wyth Marshall, Research Scientist.

– Colleen Evans is CEO of the Campbell River Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at colleen.evans@campbellriverchamber.ca.

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