Cowichan Chamber Celebrates 500 Member Milestone

May 16, 2017

– Sonja Nagel is Executive Director of the Duncan Cowichan Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at or 250.748.1111.

COWICHAN VALLEY – The Duncan Cowichan Chamber of Commerce recently celebrated a milestone: 500 members and growing. Combined with the other three Cowichan Valley Chambers, we are one of the largest Chamber networks on the island with over 900 members.

May is Membership Month at our Chamber with a goal to add another 20 new members to the Chamber roster. Our promotions include connecting with members for testimonials, highlighting their reasons for joining the Chamber and the value the Chamber network brings to their business.

A testimonial video is posted to social media daily, each with a different message about the benefits of belonging to Cowichan’s most active business networking organization. In addition to networking opportunities, marketing and advocacy, several members have touted how they have used the Chamber network to launch their new business and to connect with potential customers and clients.

We’ve certainly noticed an increase in business start-ups and new businesses to the Valley – a testament that the Cowichan is a welcoming community and a great place to do business.

Once again, we have a great line up of May events and activities to provide value to our members: A Mixer at the new Olive Station in downtown Duncan, our Spring Newbie Breakfast welcoming new members who have joined in the last year, a Lunch’n Learn to celebrate International Coaching Week, a Mixer at Rocky Creek Winery, and our Monthly Luncheon with CEO Iain Black of the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade.


Welcome new members to the Chamber: Coastal Power Vacuum, Cowichan Valley Independent Living Resource Centre, Moving Mountains Creative, Panago Pizza and South Cowichan Rotary Club.

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The Business Examiner Central/North Vancouver Island provides business news, advice, and data for the following communities: Duncan, North Cowichan, Cowichan Valley Regional District, Cobble Hill, Mill Bay, Ladysmith, Chemainus, Lake Cowichan, Nanaimo, Nanoose Bay, Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Comox, Courtenay, Campbell River, Black Creek, Gold River, Port Alberni, Tofino, Ucluelet, Port McNeil, and Port Hardy.

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