Core Services Review Project Charter Approved by Council

January 26, 2016

Reading Time: 45 Seconds

NANAIMO – Nanaimo City Council’s commitment to carry out a review of the City’s core services took another step forward Monday night with the approval of the Project Charter. Prepared by Western Management Consultants (WMC), the Charter establishes the project’s scope, objectives and milestones; outlines its deliverables, governance and protocols; and defines the roles and responsibilities of the Steering Committee, administration and consultant team.

“The completion and approval of the Project Charter is a key milestone in the Core Services Review process,” says Tracy Samra, City Manager / Core Services Review Project Manager. “From the outset, the Charter ensures that the project is focused on the priorities that Council has set and provides the consulting team with a clear direction on where to focus their attention.”

Also included is a breakdown of the 14 services areas and six corporate-wide processes which will be examined during the review.  To read the Project Charter, please download the file attached to the online version of this announcement.

The approval of the Project Charter marks the completion of the first phase of the Core Services Review during which the consultants met with Council and staff to determine the framework of the project.  Phase two of the project, now underway, will see the detailed work carried out through the months of February, March and April with the final report being delivered in mid May.

Quick Facts

  • The main components of the Project Charter were identified on January 18th during an In Camera meeting of the Core Services Review Steering Committee, after which it was agreed that WMC would prepare a Charter document for Council’s approval on January 25th.
  • Council has committed to complete the Core Services Review by May 2016.
  • Once completed, the Core Services Review will provide information on the delivery and financing of City services; recommend efficiencies, savings and improvements; boost trust in the operations of the City; and build effective structures and practices within the City’s organization.
  • On October 20, 2015, a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a Core Services Review was issued for the purpose of compiling a foundation of information concerning the City’s current state of services and programs, how they have changed over the last decade and how they may change in the future.
  • WMC put forward the successful RFP bid and was subsequently chosen by the Core Services Review Steering Committee to lead the review at a cost of $228,900, including expenses and taxes.
  • The outcomes of the Core Services Review, combined with Council’s forthcoming Project Priority Session and Strategic Planning and Engagement outreach, will be incorporated into Council’s Integrated Strategic Planning Process which, once completed, will shape the City’s strategic direction.
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