Comox Valley Regional District to Support Housing Development

September 21, 2021

Housing Units for Indigenous Elders and Singles

COURTENAY – The Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) has provided $70,000 in funding to the Wachiay Friendship Centre in support of an indigenous affordable housing project.

The contribution from the CVRD’s Homelessness Supports Service will assist in the development of 24 -40 studio and one bedroom units for Indigenous elders and singles located at 17th Street and McPhee Avenue in Courtenay.

“The CVRD is committed to reconciliation with First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples in our community,” said Jesse Ketler, Chair of the CVRD Board. “We know that actions speak louder than words and we are dedicated to supporting initiatives that make a real and tangible difference in the lives of indigenous peoples in the Comox Valley. We are proud and honoured to be a part of this important community project.”

The Wachiay Friendship Centre serves more than 7,000 urban dwelling and off-reserve Indigenous people living in the Comox Valley Region. This affordable housing project is just one of the many programs and services provided to Indigenous peoples living from Black Creek in the north through to Fanny Bay in the south.

“Wachiay is committed to Indigenous housing for the Comox Valley,” said Monica Goodheart- Wachiay President. “Huy ch q’u, Wachiay is grateful for the funding from the CVRD for this much needed project in our community.”

Indigenous relations is a key driver of the CVRD and in 2019 the board adopted a framework which aims to deliver core services with an Indigenous relations lens and promote greater cultural awareness. A key objective is to build capacity of all elected officials and staff to be engaged in collaborative work with Indigenous communities and people. For more information visit:

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