Comox Valley Chamber Enjoys Full Summer

August 9, 2016

– Dianne Hawkins is the CEO of the Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce. Reach her at or 250-334-3234.

COMOX VALLEY – On July 23 the 3rd annual Great Valley Rally kicked off as costumed contestants adventured their way from Cumberland through Courtenay to Comox. Part proceeds from this event benefit the Filberg Hertitage Lodge and Park Association in Comox. Thanks to community support and involvement, over three years, the Great Valley Rally raised a total of $9500 for local non-profit organizations.
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Summer for the Chamber is a time to enjoy where we live, support community happenings, and plan amazing events for the Fall. The Chamber is focusing efforts on Small Business month in October to provide opportunities for community-wide collaborations, new business networking, Member mixers, and continued advocacy and policy on behalf of its Chamber members. MP Gord Johns will be in the Comox Valley participating in events during small business month.

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The Chamber wishes to acknowledge these long-term members: Excel Career College: 26 year member, Crown Isle Resort & Golf Club: 25 years, Water Pure & Simple: 24 years, Comox Valley Funeral Home: 23 years, and The Wine Cottage: 22 year Chamber Member. Congratulations to these long-standing businesses in the Comox Valley.

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The Chamber office has had the privilege of working with North Island College summer intern, Mike Stolting. Mike is in the third year of his Bachelor of Business Administration majoring in Marketing. Mike has worked on the Comox Valley Governance Review, along with Amanda Ridgeway and those of the task force, and due to their efforts, the request for a review will be ready to send to the Province in September.

In the past two months the Chamber has met with all four liberal leadership candidates: Pauline Stevenson, Jim Benninger, Connor Gibson and Paul Ives. Each candidate supports the Governance Review.

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The Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce works hard to actively strengthen local businesses through advocacy efforts and community-involvement. Meetings were held with MLA Don McRae and Minister Fassbender, MP Gord Johns, and Courtenay Councillors David Frisch and Bob Wells on separate occasions regarding local issues for Chamber members.

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The Comox Valley Chamber board says goodbye to board member Lt. Col. Glenn Watters as he is posted to Halifax. The Board welcomes Lt. Col. Paula Fraser in September. We wish all the best to Glenn!

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The Business Examiner Central/North Vancouver Island provides business news, advice, and data for the following communities: Duncan, North Cowichan, Cowichan Valley Regional District, Cobble Hill, Mill Bay, Ladysmith, Chemainus, Lake Cowichan, Nanaimo, Nanoose Bay, Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Comox, Courtenay, Campbell River, Black Creek, Gold River, Port Alberni, Tofino, Ucluelet, Port McNeil, and Port Hardy.

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