Community Futures Anniversary To Be Recognized At Gala

September 4, 2015

NANAIMO – On September 17, Community Futures is nationally celebrating its 30 anniversary while the local Nanaimo office is remembering its 40 year roots of providing business and community economic development services. In collaboration with the Greater Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce, a party is being held at Nanaimo’s Port Theatre to commemorate the occasion running from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM.

Staff, volunteers, and clients of Community Future’s will gather at the event hosted by the local office, Community Futures Central Vancouver Island, and the Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce. The evening will offer light appetizers, a no-host bar, and showcases from successful clients.

Nanaimo Mayor, Bill McKay is expected to deliver a proclamation that September 17th is “Community Futures Day”. He would like citizens to recognize the contributions of small businesses to our economy, and applaud the programs and activities that support them, from organizations like Community Futures.

“One of our original mandates was to create employment through self-employment in turn diversifying local, often single industry, communities,” says Jolynn Green, Executive Director of Community Futures Central Vancouver Island. “To be celebrating 30 years of helping entrepreneurs through business exploration, start up, expansion, and succession, is incredibly exciting.”

Community Futures is part of a national economic development program that supports small business and community economic development. In partnership with other business lenders, educational institutions, not-for-profits, and community governments, Community Futures works to develop and diversify local economies. Since its inception, Community Futures Central Vancouver Island has lent $30 million dollars to small businesses in our region, leveraging $44 and creating/maintaining 5035 jobs.

All 269 offices, across the country, are non-profit organizations guided by a volunteer boards of directors, and staffed with business professionals to provide business loans, training and coaching, and access to expert resources, for people wanting to start, expand, franchise or sell a business, and to owners of small and medium-sized businesses.

The Community Futures Central Island office, in Nanaimo, evolved from the Nanaimo Community Employment Advisory Society (NCEAS). Formed in 1975, the general objective was to open up employment opportunities for persons experiencing difficulty finding and keeping satisfactory employment. The concept of direct community-based financial involvement came about, to develop permanent jobs.

The Federal Government recognized that local people finding local solutions to economic and employment problems made sense. They decided that the activities pioneered by NCEAS were worth introducing across the country. Thus, the Community Futures organization was established based on the Nanaimo model.

Community Futures continues to grow and provides many services to entrepreneurs and to the community. The event on September 17 is an opportunity to celebrate clients who have taken advantage of opportunities, and to thank staff and volunteers who help make the organization what it is. The celebration is open to all Island Chambers of Commerce members, neighboring Community Futures offices and clients, and other partner organizations. Enquiries and RSVPs should be made to

The Business Examiner Central/North Vancouver Island provides business news, advice, and data for the following communities: Duncan, North Cowichan, Cowichan Valley Regional District, Cobble Hill, Mill Bay, Ladysmith, Chemainus, Lake Cowichan, Nanaimo, Nanoose Bay, Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Comox, Courtenay, Campbell River, Black Creek, Gold River, Port Alberni, Tofino, Ucluelet, Port McNeil, and Port Hardy.

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