City of Nanaimo Looking for Input on New Website

February 2, 2016

Reading Time: 30 Seconds

NANAIMO – The City of Nanaimo is currently developing a new website and is seeking the public’s input. This is the second time public input has been sought – earlier feedback from the public provided direction that information should be more easily found and understood, and that the website should provide a better experience on mobile devices such as smart phones. With the design portion of this project now underway, the public has the opportunity to provide feedback in 2 ways:

  1. Join a small focus group meeting on February 16th to help guide the “look and feel” of the website. If you are interested in participating, please email:
  2. Help validate the placement of information on our website by completing an online exercise. This will help ensure that the information is in the location that the majority of residents would expect to find it. You can complete this exercise by using the following link.

Quick Facts

  • The current website launched in 2008, the same year that the Apple iPhone was first released in Canada.
  • The online exercise the City is asking residents to complete is called a Card Sort and helps evaluate how information is organized and labelled on a website. A Card Sort allows designers to make the website more intuitive to a greater number of visitors.
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