Duncan Cowichan Chamber Board of Directors Announced For 2023

January 4, 2023


COWICHAN VALLEY – The Duncan Cowichan Chamber of Commerce held its AGM last month with a fantastic crowd of 55 in attendance, representing 38 member organizations. Members were very excited to return to an evening in-person event.

The evening included a presentation from Naomi Low, Executive Director of Cowichan District Hospital Foundation and Jerry Doman, Foundation Chair. They provided an update on the new Cowichan Hospital slated to start construction in early 2023, noting official announcements are coming soon.

Chamber President Julie Scurr reported that despite the ongoing challenges of the pandemic, new economic realities, inflation pressures, rising interest rates, and the effects from the war in Ukraine, the Chamber had many successes this past year, including growth in membership, hosting a multitude of in-person events, continuing meaningful partnership development and collaboration, and strong advocacy efforts and community support.

Treasurer Leah Hudson and Anna Jones, Church Pickard, who performed the Annual Audit, presented the financials, noting that despite not being able to host as many events and not receiving as many grants this past year, the Chamber’s financial position is strong.

Executive Director Sonja Nagel spoke to some noteworthy events the Chamber hosted amidst various phases of Covid restrictions, including Speaker Series lunches with Nanaimo Airport and Island Corridor Foundation, Member’s Breakfast, various Lunch & Learns, and the popular and well-attended Wine-Down Wednesdays. Sonja added that the 6th Annual Dine and Sip Cowichan Festival was great timing for the restaurant sector, who were just getting back on their feet after many Covid restrictions and shutdowns.

2023 New Board of Duncan Cowichan Chamber of Commerce

Executive Director Sonja Nagel also announced that nominations are now open for Black Tie Awards 2023. The Awards, presented by long-time Black Tie Awards partner Island Savings, recognize business excellence and volunteerism in the Cowichan. There are nine Award categories to nominate a deserving individual or organization. Nomination forms can be found at www.blacktieawards.com or on the Chamber website.

The highlight of the evening AGM included the announcement of the 2022 Lifetime Achievement recipient, Denise McKinlay, who has committed a lifetime of volunteering and making Cowichan a better place. Denise has served as a Director and a Volunteer with the Cowichan District Hospital Foundation for over 30 years. Denise will be honoured at the May 2023 Black Tie Awards ceremony to be held in an Academy Awards-style event at the Chemainus Theatre.

Welcome 2023 Board of Directors and new Executive: President: David van Deventer, Cowichan Valley Citizen; 1st Vice President: Linda Tesser, Coast Outdoor Advertising; 2nd Vice President: Melissa Manson, Floral Expressions & Wine Kitz; Treasurer: Leah Hudson, Grant Thornton LLP; Past President and Julie Scurr, Coast Salish Insurance & Risk Management Solutions.

Directors: Brad Lesiuk, Island Savings; Juanita Thompson, Redline Management Services Inc; Keith Granbois, Nanaimo Airport; Renee Appleby, Pemberton Holmes; Travis Berthiaume, Dairy Queen/OodyOos Pet Store; Johnna Puusa, Ethos Career Management Group; Dr. Shelley Cook, Cowichan Housing Association and Zaida Giron, MNP LLP.

Liaisons: Katherine Devine, Downtown Duncan Business Improvement Area; Barry O’Riordan, Economic Development Cowichan; Cathy Robertson, Community Futures Cowichan; Matt Adolphe, Vancouver Island University; Tek Manhas, Councillor, Municipality of North Cowichan and Michelle Staples, Mayor, City of Duncan.

Sonja Nagel is Executive Director of the Duncan Cowichan Chamber of Commerce.  She can be reached at 250-748-1111 or manager@duncancc.bc.ca

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The Business Examiner Central/North Vancouver Island provides business news, advice, and data for the following communities: Duncan, North Cowichan, Cowichan Valley Regional District, Cobble Hill, Mill Bay, Ladysmith, Chemainus, Lake Cowichan, Nanaimo, Nanoose Bay, Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Comox, Courtenay, Campbell River, Black Creek, Gold River, Port Alberni, Tofino, Ucluelet, Port McNeil, and Port Hardy.

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