Central Island Business Recovery and Resiliency Coaching

October 21, 2021

Jolynn Green is Executive Director of Community Futures Central Island

NANAIMO – Community Futures Central Island recognizes the importance of small to medium sized business in our regional economy.  This past year has been a challenge; our Business Recovery and Resiliency Program’s purpose is to assist rural businesses and organizations to gain traction and recover post COVID-19 pandemic.

Our goal is to provide enterprises and organizations with practical tools, resources and strategies to help their business become more resilient and successful.  Despite its rewards, running a business can be hard at the best of times. The ‘pandemic’ introduced additional challenges and complexities that businesses weren’t expecting or prepared for.  While the road to recovery is being paved with numerous programs, grants, subsidies, initiatives, and supportive services, many businesses either don’t have the time or expertise to figure it all out and develop their own plan to recovery.

This program is targeted to Small and medium sized businesses, social enterprises and not for profit organizations.  Business Recovery and Resiliency Coaches will be in rural communities within the Central Island Region.  Coaches will be serving business owners/operators and organizations within the Regional District of Nanaimo.  This program is available until March 31, 2022.  There are no fees associated with participating.  Only criteria, you must be a willing and participatory applicant.

Our Business Recovery and Resiliency Coaches, Rob Regner and Katharine Chernyak, will work one on one with existing businesses to help stabilize and increase, as well as if required, identify and diversify revenues streams.  Their activities will be to advise and coach business owners to determine their specific needs and align their recovery efforts with programming, grants, subsidies and initiatives that are being offered by a myriad of providers from all levels of government and industry.  If assistance is required, to aid in the application process, the coach can help or be a conduit to individuals who have sector/industry specific knowledge and expertise.

Many businesses are realizing that an objective, independent coach can provide them with fresh new perspectives, improve their general business effectiveness and expand market reach. Coaching encourages highly engaged business owners and entrepreneurs to bridge the gap to recovery, and gives these leaders the opportunity to strengthen specific business, communication, leadership or managerial skills. We’re with you every step of the way, supporting you in your business’ progression to greater success and growth.

To learn more or apply for Business Recovery and Resiliency Coaching Program, visit: www.cfnanaimo.org/tools-resources/#advising

As of March 2021 Community Futures Central Island has lent $48,438,266 to 2922 local small businesses in our region leveraging $65,267,000 in our communities and creating/maintaining 6394 jobs.



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The Business Examiner Central/North Vancouver Island provides business news, advice, and data for the following communities: Duncan, North Cowichan, Cowichan Valley Regional District, Cobble Hill, Mill Bay, Ladysmith, Chemainus, Lake Cowichan, Nanaimo, Nanoose Bay, Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Comox, Courtenay, Campbell River, Black Creek, Gold River, Port Alberni, Tofino, Ucluelet, Port McNeil, and Port Hardy.

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