Campbell River Hosts 19th Annual City Stewardship Awards

October 1, 2020

CAMPBELL RIVER – Each year the City of Campbell River celebrates outstanding environmental ambassadors for their diligent work to protect and enhance the community’s green spaces as part of the Environmental Stewardship Awards program.

“We are very fortunate to have so many dedicated stewards who have continued to plant and restore our natural areas. They are exemplary role models, and the whole community benefits from their work and leadership,” says Mayor Andy Adams.

As part of this year’s program, individuals, groups, businesses, industry representatives and youth were eligible for recognition under three stewardship categories. The City congratulates all the nominees for their achievements, including those stewards who were recognized in the following categories:

Miles Toelle – Recipient for the Habitat Protection / Creation category
Braden Majic – Recipient for the Youth Special Recognition category
Ed Silkens – Recipient for the Environmental Excellence category

Previously, the annual recognition ceremony has been held at that Haig-Brown House as part of HaigBrown Fall Festival. Due to provincial health prohibitions on large gatherings, the City’s 19th Annual Stewardship Awards ceremony took place at a safe distance, and was livestreamed on Sept. 27 from the Tidemark Theatre.

To see the ceremony and a photo selection of past festivals and nature projects, visit the City of Campbell River’s Facebook page, or YouTube

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