BC Chamber CEO to Speak at Comox Valley Chamber AGM

May 15, 2017

– Dianne Hawkins CEO of the Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce. Reach her at dhawkins@comoxvalleychamber.com or 250.334.3234. www.comoxvalleychamber.com.

COMOX VALLEY – April at the Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce saw a new Board for 2017/2018 with a Board Election Open House and a well-attended AGM.

The Chamber AGM keynote speaker, Val Litwin President and CEO of BC Chamber, outlined a positive future for BC Chamber and the direction they are taking the BC Chamber brand. He touched on his diverse experience as the former CEO of Whistler Chamber, co-founder of BLO blow dry bars, and vice president of franchise operations at Nurse Next Door. Val talked about how the Comox Valley and British Columbia are well-positioned to stand out with our diversified economies.


The Chamber swore in the new board members, with help from Courtenay Mayor Larry Jangula. The new Board members are: Daniel Kooman of Unveil Studio, Keith Pistell of Canadian Tire and Laurie Shambrook of Septen Financial.


In May the Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce is hosting two info sessions. Futurpreneur Canada will speak to their mentorship program offered to new business people under 39. Futurpreneur is a Canadian non-profit dedicated to growing Canada’s economy one young entrepreneur at a time. The second info session is with the Bank of Canada. The Bank of Canada will inform the audience of how interest rates affect business and those companies that export, as well as trade relations and negative interest rates.


The Chamber has two after business mixers planned for May: The first at Comox Valley Seniors Village and the second at Rainforest Outdoor Living on May 30. Attending Chamber mixers is proving to be an essential networking activity in the Comox Valley.


The Chamber is working hard to provide a variety of events and business development opportunities for its members. The May Leaders’ Luncheon is focusing on community policing with Officer in Charge Tim Walton of the Comox Valley RCMP detachment.


The Comox Valley Chamber welcomed these wide-ranging dynamic businesses to the Chamber in April: Classic LifeCare, Esther Sample, Kim Stallknecht Photography, Northrock Technologies, Evergreen Club, Futurpreneur Canada, Isagenix, La Cache, Mount Washington Alpine Resort and Rocky Mountain Café.


CIBC has been a Comox Valley Chamber member since the Chamber’s inception in 1919. That is a 98-year member! More long-term members that deserve a mention are: Comox Valley Air Force Museum, Bates Beach Oceanfront Resort, BMO Bank of Montreal, Business Development Bank of Canada, Comox Golf Club, Courtenay & District Museum, Finneron Hyundai, FYidoctors Comox Valley, North Island College, Service Canada – Comox Valley and Swift Datoo Law Corporation are all celebrating 30 years as Comox Valley Chamber members!

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