BC & Ahousaht First Nation Launch Partnership

August 15, 2016

CLAYOQUOT SOUND – The BC Government and Ahousaht First Nation have recently celebrated the beginning of a powerful new economic partnership.

The government and Ahousaht launched the Ahousaht Protocol, an agreement to work together to develop more jobs, more prosperity and new opportunities for the Ahousaht people and create a strong, vibrant economy.

And in a rare and significant honour, Ahousaht hereditary Chief Maquinna (Lewis George) bestowed an Ahousaht name on Premier Clark during the ceremony on Meares Island. The Premier’s Ahousaht name is “Cha-chum-wha,” which in the Ahousaht language means “One Who Speaks Meaningfully and Truthfully.”

Through the Ahousaht Protocol, the Province and Ahousaht will work to improve the Ahousaht economy, to develop a collaborative approach to natural-resource management and permitting within their traditional territory, and to explore the renaming of significant geographic place names to reflect Ahousaht’s historic connections to the land.

“I thank B.C. and Premier Clark for supporting our efforts to diversify our economy in ways that are sustainable and drawn from Ahousaht values of respect, caring, helping and teaching,” said Chief Maquinna. “Our protocol opens the door to new partnerships and job opportunities for our people through concrete actions and achievable outcomes. This is a great day for the Ahousaht people and all people in and around our Hahoulthlee.”

“I commend the continued efforts of our people to manage the lands, waters, and resources throughout Ahousaht’s Hahoulthlee, and to pursue courageous, bold, and innovative approaches to build the partnerships required to carry forward our responsibilities,” said Ahousaht hereditary Chief A-in-chut Shawn Atleo. “Today marks an important step forward in advancing our partnership with the Province, and our collective commitment to realize new economic opportunities guided by the values of mutual recognition, care, respect, and a shared vision to co-create a sustainable and prosperous future.”

The Ahousaht Protocol commits B.C. and Ahousaht to develop an economic diversification action plan within two years, with specific tasks, deliverables, and timelines. As well, the agreement provides $1.25 million over five years to support Ahousaht’s participation in developing the action plan.

Premier Clark also recognized the Ahousaht community’s heroism in responding to the Leviathan II tragedy in October 2015 and announced a $50,000 grant to support the needs of Ahousaht emergency response services. Premier Clark bestowed the British Columbia Medal of Good Citizenship on the communities of both Ahousaht and Tofino in recognition of their respective rescue and recovery efforts.

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