Comox Company Has Specialized In New Homes And Renovations Since 2012

An Astra Bay Construction home on the waterfront
COMOX – Dave Peardon’s love for the ocean is reflected throughout his work at Astra Bay Construction.
Peardon, manager and owner, says the ideal project for his Comox-based company remains building and renovating waterfront homes, since that’s one of the first jobs he did after starting the business in 2012.
“I got into value-added building and did a large waterfront renovation that was quite extensive,” he recalls. “I really enjoy dealing with the challenges of building a home that experiences extreme weather. We love the ocean and living on Vancouver Island, I like sailing and being on the water, and building on the waterfront. That’s where my interests lie, and that’s where I generally build.”

Dave and Lynne Peardon of Astra Bay Construction
“One of our first, larger projects was an extensive custom renovation along Point Holmes in Comox. Some of the most extreme weather conditions along the entire Vancouver Island coast are experienced here. Even to the extent that during our build scientists from UBC were studying weather in this location. Winter winds achieve hurricane levels and salt water ocean spray blasts the homes here during each storm.
“We rebuilt the home using the most advanced building technology to achieve a watertight, durable home with quiet and comfort inside. We’re really waterfront renovation specialists, and we always have at least one waterfront home on the go at any time.”
Peardon has been in the construction industry for over 30 years, and has always focused on finding out what each customer wants, and builds it for them.
“I really like clients to be involved in the design process.” he notes. “I want the client’s vision to be in the forefront. If they want it, they can have it.
“The clients are always welcome on site, free to ask questions and suggest changes on-the-fly, and we are willing to try almost anything,” he says. “We do highly customized work, and give the absolute best value we can for everyone. We believe the client should enjoy and be part of the process of building their home.”
Peardon is enthusiastic about design himself, and offers his expertise with each project.
“I like to study design and architecture,” he states. “During our travels in Europe, my wife Lynne and I spent a great deal of our time visiting and learning from architecture.”
He notes the Astra Bay style is highly influenced by the ideals of west coast living, blurring the line between the outdoors and the indoors.
“We work painstakingly during the design process to map the contours of the land, record how the sun traverses the property, and we try to incorporate design elements that compliment nature, rather than impose upon it. We believe in homes that are low in maintenance and high in enduring beauty.”
Peardon grew up in Comox. After studying management in college, and watching the transformation that accompanied Expo ’86, he started in the construction industry by working with a team building higher-end Vancouver homes, and commercial renovations. Commercial projects included renovating the Chinese Embassy, and working on very large custom homes and mansions in the south Granville area.
In 1992, Peardon moved back to Vancouver Island and began working on larger projects such as the CFB Comox Aquatic Center, Quality Foods, malls and schools in Nanaimo, Ladysmith and Duncan. Peardon’s interest in custom homes had never diminished, and he launched his company, Astra Bay Construction in 2012. He has been building in waterfront communities and woodland areas ever since.
“I really enjoy work with the clients and the creativity involved in design build, directly for clients,” he says.
The company has already built several homes to the 2036 level of future building codes, and Peardon states “We love to learn, and put into practice our constantly developing knowledge.”