67 Businesses, Organizations, and Individuals Nominated in 12 Categories
The Summerland Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards nomination period has closed with 67 nominations being accepted.
“We are extremely pleased with the response we have seen from the community”, said Chamber Executive Director David D. Hull. “The dramatic increase in nominations over the past two years is directly related to the changes made in how the award recipients are selected”.

David Hull is Executive Director of the Summerland Chamber of Commerce
“In previous years the award recipient was determined by a public voting process. The awards are intended to be a recognition of business excellence and not a popularity contest. As in 2019, this year each nominee will meet with a three-person panel adjudicating their respective award category.”
The adjudication process will take place March 10, 11, and 12. Each nominee with meet with the adjudication panel for 30 minutes. A standardized list of questions will frame the conversation and create consistency in addition to allowing nominees to expand on their business in a relaxed, positive environment.
“Everywhere this adjudication system has been implemented the nominees exit their interview saying they really enjoyed meeting with the panel. Entrepreneurs and organizations really like to talk about their business, successes, and plans going forward”, said Hull.
The Business Excellence and Community Awards Gala is set for Saturday April 04 at the Centre Stage Theatre. The theme for this year’s gala is Denim & Diamonds. Tickets are $40 and are available on the Chamber website summerlandchamber.com or by contacting the Chamber office at 250 494 2686
David D. Hull is Executive Director at the Summerland Chamber of Commerce and can be reached at