‘Shop the Neighbourhood’ coming to Downtown Penticton

November 3, 2015

DOWNTOWN PENTICTON – With all the fun that goes on, from markets, to celebrations, to new events; one focus remains the same, supporting our local business. With the onset of Autumn, shopping tends to slow down, tourists have left and our weather has gotten cooler, but as locals we are all still here. Being part of a bigger community means supporting what we have and what we have are great small stores and restaurants Downtown who are unique.

Being part of this community allows us as locals to be introduced to the creativity and imagination of those around us. Our local business owners help to support our economy, our community and our sense of pride in what we have to offer to people visiting.

Come Downtown and see what these merchants have to offer. In November the DPA is participating in a multi-week awareness campaign, Shop The Neighbourhood which will take place on Saturday, November 28th, between Black Friday and Cyber Monday, two shopping days notorious for driving dollars online or across the border. Shop The Neighbourhood will also feature exclusive deals at local businesses to encourage local spending, accessible via the YP Shopwise app throughout as of October 19th. Small businesses add vitality to our neighbourhoods and mainstreets and it is essential that we support them.

On Saturday, November 28th, Canadians are encouraged to make local purchases in support of their local businesses. In 2014, over 750,000 Canadians joined the Yellow Pages campaign, spending $89 million at local businesses during the Shop The Neighbourhood event.

Shopping local during the “off-seasons’ help to continue to build our economy and creates a stronger sense of community. Come park your car in one of the back parking lots, for FREE for the first hour, walk the streets, get to know all the amazing little stores that are open, peek into the windows of the ones that are in the process of opening, grab a coffee or a bite to eat and really have a look at our unique Downtown. You will be amazed just how much there is Downtown Penticton.

– Kerri Milton is Executive Director of the Downtown Penticton Association. She can reached at kerri@downtownpenticton.org.

The Business Examiner Thompson Okanagan provides business news, advice, and data for the following communities: Kelowna, Kamloops, Vernon, Penticton, Salmon Arm, Peachland, Summerland, Osoyoos, and Oliver
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