Women Propel Company Forward In Thompson, Okanagan
Nutech Phoenix Branch Managers, from left: Cyndi Dalton of Kelowna and Andrea Lee of Kamloops
KELOWNA & KAMLOOPS – Nutech Phoenix is focused on putting out fires and keeping people safe.
A number of women hold key positions throughout the company, including Cyndi Dalton, Branch Manager in Kelowna and Andrea Lee, Branch Manager in Kamloops for Nutech Phoenix, the new name for the recent merger between Nutech Safety and Phoenix Fire, Life, Safety. The list also includes Shirley Tary and Stephanie Dalton in Kelowna, and in Kamloops, Shantel Renner and Tina.
President and owner Bob Dieno is very pleased with their leadership in the company, which has provided fire and safety products and services to the Thompson Okanagan region, and to greater Vancouver, through their third branch in Richmond, for over 30 years.
Andrea has been with Nutech since 2014, and as Branch Manager, is responsible for day-to-day business operations.
“Since my first day at Nutech we have always worked as a team, and everyone helps each other to be successful,” Andrea states. “As a result, once moving into a management position I continued to have a great relationship with our team.
“There have been many women in the safety industry who had to endure hardship and had to overcome perceptions to gain a voice in this industry, but I personally did not experience any major obstacles with the customers I have dealt with,” she observes.
Cyndi adds “The response has always been very positive in our area. The fact that I am female has typically not been an issue as I am able to communicate in a professional manner and can relate to all levels of the industries we serve.”
Along with carrying industry leading products for all workplace safety needs, Nutech’s team helps clients determine first aid supply requirements, map out emergency lighting paths, design kitchen suppression systems and performs hydrotesting on cylinders, as part of their services and resources to help save lives.
They also have COVID-19 supplies in stock, including masks, gloves, contactless thermometers and hand sanitizer.
Nutech has grown steadily in recent years and is currently experiencing best-ever growth.
“The keys to success for Nutech have been customer service, business integrity, diversification of products and services and last but not least, an amazing team of individuals that work and play together like family,” Andrea notes.
Cyndi concurs, attributing the success to “our team working together and communicating effectively through our growth and changes in the industry, and adjusting our offerings and levels of service as necessary – especially with the recent pandemic situation.”