Looking For That Next Great Employee?

March 27, 2018

TOURISM – How did you find one of your first jobs? Many of us who are over the age of 40 found those important first time positions through family, friends, a local ad or an ad in the newspaper. I remember my first real job (as in not working for my dad) happened because I actually walked into a business, resume in hand, applying for a position that was posted in a window.

Fear, excitement, coming of age, the idea of having my own money, the entire experience was enough to make any teenagers palms sweat and hopes soar. Of course the job was not nearly as intriguing as the idea of it was, and the money was not going to make me the rich teen I had hoped it would, but it was independence in a way I had only dreamed of.

Today, of course, there is the internet where you can search and apply for positions in a far more anonymous way. Most of the time, however, the employer will want a face to face meeting, or at the very least a Skype call before the position is secured.

We would like to suggest another great way to find a job in Tourism. Why not attend the Tourism Job Fair hosted by TOTA and go2HR taking place March 15th at the Holiday Inn Express in Kelowna?

Open to the public, it is a great way to find out more about the wide array of jobs available in tourism throughout this region. You will have a chance to meet employers face to face in a friendly and casual setting. There will also be a few live demonstrations that may help to tweak your interest in different types of employment and an opportunity to interview with prospective employers one on one should you find that perfect match.

For our tourism employers looking to hire this spring and summer, we encourage you book a booth at this year’s event to ensure your business is front and centre with potential employees. Not only will you have a chance to meet with students and first time workers, but we anticipate a large cross section of age groups and many boomers looking to find that next career, supplement their retirement income or just stay active and involved.

Booth space is limited and registration is now open; go to https://www.go2hr.ca/events/thompson-okanagan-regional-tourism-job-fair

Join us …and let us help you find that next great employee or that next great job…In Tourism!

 Glenn Mandziuk is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Region. He can be reached at ceo@totabc.com


The Business Examiner Thompson Okanagan provides business news, advice, and data for the following communities: Kelowna, Kamloops, Vernon, Penticton, Salmon Arm, Peachland, Summerland, Osoyoos, and Oliver
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