How to Utilize Awards, Nominations & Recommendations to Build Your Brand

October 10, 2017

– Deb McClelland is the executive director of the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached email at

KAMLOOPS – Fall is almost like a second spring for many business owners. The chaos of summer is over and we begin to refocus on what we have left to accomplish in the coming four months. As we near year end, it is also a time of celebration and recognition: It’s awards season. For business, awards are both an opportunity and a recognition of the amazing things business owners and their teams do each and every day. 

Awards, nominations and recommendations are the opportunity as a business owner to build your brand, and as a consumer, they are attestation to the quality goods or service a company provides.

For business, a brand is the answer to the question “what do you think of (your company)? when you are not in the room. The strength of brand is the single greatest determining factor on whether a business grows or withers. It is also completely within the business owner or leaders control to create and maintain. In essence brand is the result of two aspects of your business; marketing and customer experience. If the two align in a positive way, your brand builds. 

Let’s get back to awards, nominations and recommendations. All three of these are elements you can use in your marketing strategies.

Recommendations should show up on your website, social media, and in some cases your advertising campaigns. Due in large part to the consumer process of shopping online before shopping in store, what others say about you is essential in building positive brand presence.

With regards to nominations and awards, when used strategically, both have incredible brand value. A nomination for a prestigious award is a recognition that your business is performing at a high enough level that others recognize your brand as positive and powerful. So, how do you use nominations to build brand?

  1. Talk About it. When you are nominated, talk about the honour of being part of a peers group of businesses that shines in the community. Talk about it at social events, on your social media feeds and your websites.
  2. Market your Excellence. Use your advertising dollars to reinforce your brand through print, radio, television or digital streams. As part of some processes, popularity is key, for others its about traction with audiences. Regardless of your marketing goal, celebrating the acknowledgement of your business is a win, even if you don’t get the hardware.
  3. Attend The Event. Some business owners don’t follow through. Award events are opportunities to connect with other business owners you may not normally meet, on an even stage. You are both high performance. Use these events to network, market and build excellence based relationships.
  4. When you Win. Display your certificates, awards, trophies or whatever is presented, at your front desk or counter. Put the win on your website. Tell people about your success, and why you received the award. Tell a story about your path to the award and why it has made you a abetter business.

Finally, take time to recognize all the people who helped you get there. Acknowledge and thank your team, your suppliers, the person who nominated you and mostly your customers. They are the ones who got you here, and they want you to succeed as much as you do. Let them know you are thankful to them for the win.

In other Chamber news, don’t forget to get your Business Excellence awards tickets. They are available now at our website.

The Business Examiner Thompson Okanagan provides business news, advice, and data for the following communities: Kelowna, Kamloops, Vernon, Penticton, Salmon Arm, Peachland, Summerland, Osoyoos, and Oliver
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