Getting Down To Business

November 30, 2015

PENTICTON – If you asked any entrepreneur their main reasons for NOT get something done, the answers would flood off the page about too many distractions and not enough time! Despite the high acclaim one might garner for being considered a multitasker, working on multiple tasks at the same time can sometimes be a recipe for getting a whole lot of nothing done. As bestselling author of the Rich Dad series, Robert Kiyosaki is most famously quoted, “Focus! Follow One Course Until Successful!”

Do you find at the end of the year, you are looking back at a few great goals you have not even pulled out from under the pile? When you really get down to the day to day duties of running a business, it makes sense to reduce distractions, prioritize projects and tackle one task at a time for the clearest path to success.

Here are 5 business tips for pouncing on an idea and bringing that project to completion.

TIP # 1 – Make Sure It’s In The Plan. You must have an overall picture of what your mission and vision are and where your goal priorities fall into your strategic plan. No plan? Then simply, my friend, you have just realized why you may have an issue with follow through. It is imperative in any business from solopreneur to big corporate entity, that you book a strategic planning session with an expert, or even alone with your dog, which results in a clear mission, vision and goals with outcomes and timelines. When you have a plan, you can prioritize and choose one project to complete first. 

TIP # 2 – Break It Down. Create the specific tasks you need to accomplish and build a realistic timeline. If you are planning to launch a product or idea, start with the major deliverables. For example; if you are planning a large luncheon the major deliverables would be to book the speaker, the date, the venue and the title sponsor. From there you can break it down further. You want your tasks to be manageable enough that they feel attainable and everything leads to the bigger goal. Once you have the end date chosen you can work back to the present and build a clear timeline for each set of tasks.

TIP # 3 – Take The Time To Make The Time. Book plenty of time on your calendar to get the project done. Consider the amount of time you invest in meetings, conference calls, phone calls, emails and more, not to mention those annoying time wasters like Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. Why are those more important than booking chunks of time for solo meetings? Truth be told, it is way more important to finish the items on your own agenda than to participate in anything else. It should not sound crazy to book a half day, every day to follow your own agenda – that may still not be enough time. So make it happen by booking time and tasks on your calendar right now. And back to Tip # 2 – make sure tasks are broken down. They should be as small an attainable as those other pesky items that keep distracting you. If you are constantly interrupted by phone calls, emails, online pop ups and knocks at the door, throw up a sign that says ‘meeting in progress’ (even a solo meeting) and turn off your phone and all other notifications so you can get the job done.

TIP # 4 – Monitor Outcomes. Whether it is a 2 week project with daily check-ins or a 2 year project with monthly meetings, it is crucial to monitor your progress. You’ve worked hard to set your goals and create timelines for a reason. Monitoring your progress not only helps you stick to the plan, keeping it simplified and attainable, but also helps you identify and solve problems and be better informed if the need for a change in the plan should arise. Book monthly check-ins from the beginning with agendas, expected outcomes and new actionable items to make sure you are consistently in line with your goals and keeping your priorities in order. It is very easy to get sidetracked by someone with a passionate idea and their own agenda. Suddenly you are doing a lot of work that is not in your plan.

TIP # 5 – There Is No Failure. Whether it’s one task or an entire project, sometimes it is scary to put yourself out there. But if you think of a failed task as just one more learning step before success, you’ll be well on your way. It’s very important to mark your achievements clearly in your mind, no matter how small, so you are motivated to take another step forward rather than slump back in your chair and get lost on Facebook. Write your achievements down, if you meet a big goal treat yourself to a massage on your lunch break or meet a friend you’ve been missing for a nice coffee. Focusing on your achievements will help you overcome set-backs and build confidence. And the moment you decide to clarify a problem is the moment you move from a perceived failure to success mode!

– Brandy Maslowski is the new Executive Director of the Penticton & Wine Country Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at or 250-492-4103.

The Business Examiner Thompson Okanagan provides business news, advice, and data for the following communities: Kelowna, Kamloops, Vernon, Penticton, Salmon Arm, Peachland, Summerland, Osoyoos, and Oliver
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