May 23, 2024


PENTICTON – Two reports designed to accelerate the creation of affordable and attainable housing will go to Council on Tuesday.

“One of Council’s priorities is ensuring that Penticton is a livable and accessible community and the proposed changes are intended to further that goal,” says Steven Collyer, the City’s housing and policy initiatives manager. “The changes reflect the work done by the Official Community Plan Housing Task Force and bring us in line with new provincial regulations. The proposals also went through an extensive public engagement process and that feedback was key in developing the amendments coming forward.”

Proposed changes to the Official Community Plan include:

  • Directing more growth and allowing higher density in the built-up area
  • Designating large major commercial streets as Mixed Use to support housing
  • Consolidating several land use designations to provide more flexibility in future housing forms
  • Increasing the allowable building height on the 400-700 block of Main Street from three-storeys to 10-storeys to match other areas around the downtown
  • Removal of Spiller Road as growth area and redesignated as Rural Residential

Collyer’s OCP report also recommends future work the City should do, including a review of downtown parking needs and creation of a Social Housing Plan.

Proposed changes to the Zoning Bylaw include:

  • Implementing provincial small-scale multi-unit housing regulations (up to 4 units per lot)
  • Implementing transit-oriented area regulations for the areas around Penticton Plaza,  Peachtree Square, and Cherry Lane Mall
  • Remove on-site residential parking requirements in the downtown
  •  Remove on-site parking requirements for secondary suites and carriage houses
  •  Remove RSM (Manufactured Home Park) zoning from 1050 Spiller Road

“The housing needs assessment report clearly identified the need for more housing across the entire spectrum and these proposals are significant steps towards meeting those needs,” says Collyer. “These changes offer a balanced approach that will support smart  growth as Penticton’s population continues to grow.”

Council will first review the changes on May 21 and then decide on forwarding the changes to a public hearing tentatively scheduled June 3 at City Hall.

The full version of both reports is available at

Source: City of Penticton

The Business Examiner Thompson Okanagan provides business news, advice, and data for the following communities: Kelowna, Kamloops, Vernon, Penticton, Salmon Arm, Peachland, Summerland, Osoyoos, and Oliver
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